Why the F do girls have this much effect on people???

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Nor mine.

I will say that you're losing serious man-points now.
Do yourself a favor and grow some balls. Let her go.
You both will grow and learn and it will all be good.
Trust us moldy oldies.


:lecture :lecture :lecture

Oldies but Goodies, Sam, Oldies but Goodies. :D

Remember all you wet behind the ears whippersnappers...

“Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill” - Waylon Jennings
Did you ^^^^ another girl Already...??? If not, you need to ASAP.Dont listen to any advice here except mine..go sleep with every girl you can.This will be your one and only true Salvation.Go ahead and become the Worm.

LOL :lol everyday I like Shai more more :rock
Want advice from a girl who did this to a boy herself for nearly 8 years? Break it off. She will respect you more for it. Right now, she has no respect for you, and no self-respect either. You both need to be free of the relationship and learn about who YOU are, not who you are in relation to the other person. If you end up getting back together later in life, that's all well and good. But for now, end it.
:lol Hey, I'm (wo)man enough to admit I've made mistakes in the past. It's just really hard when you're young and stupid to look at it objectively. Much easier to do that after gaining a few years in the maturity department ;) I finally did the right thing and broke it off a few years ago (after gaining said maturity) and we are both MUCH better for it now - we can even hold a friendly conversation when we run into each other at mutual friends' shindigs.

I never did cheat, even though he thought for sure I had. I would never do that to anyone, no matter how bad it got. I just didn't want to hurt him, and after looking at it, I realized that I was trying to make HIM break up with me, so that I wouldn't have to be the bad guy. One day I just woke up and decided I'd just go ahead and be the bad guy, and it was much better - my conscience was freed and so was he.
No offense to your lady friend....but hun, she's playing ya. She's testing to see just how much ground you give and play to her. That kind of game playing spells trouble.

The question is: just how unique and endearing is she in all other aspects that you would consider giving up part of yourself to satisfy her need to assert herself over you?

I've watched my fellow females pull this on many, just to see what "power" their netherparts had over you hapless men. And it's usually done by those who had self-worth issues. Ain't no one (male or female) worth that kind of bother. You need to find a grown up for your future. There's plenty out there.
Has anyone relized that chris has takin NONE of the advice he's been offered. I've read this thread and what I see is that "chris" is projecting his insecure self onto this little girl to get US TO SYMPATHIZE WITH HIM. :monkey4 Chris...you need to move back home and get back with this girl, because if she is like you describe and you act like your posts in this thread BOTH OF YOU ARE " two peas in a pod". from the looks of things you're more confused than she is and are the one that has NO CLUE what you want. if you actually wanted advice and not attention this thread would have ended a long time ago. there's things you learn with time that no one can teach you, so with that all said and my :lecture over. have a wonderful life and see what you think in ten years..:lol

Has anyone relized that chris has takin NONE of the advice he's been offered. I've read this thread and what I see is that "chris" is projecting his insecure self onto this little girl to get US TO SYMPATHIZE WITH HIM. :monkey4 Chris...you need to move back home and get back with this girl, because if she is like you describe and you act like your posts in this thread BOTH OF YOU ARE " two peas in a pod". from the looks of things you're more confused than she is and are the one that has NO CLUE what you want. if you actually wanted advice and not attention this thread would have ended a long time ago. there's things you learn with time that no one can teach you, so with that all said and my :lecture over. have a wonderful life and see what you think in ten years..:lol


dude is so right... 32 pages later... youth is wasted on the young.
Has anyone relized that chris has takin NONE of the advice he's been offered. I've read this thread and what I see is that "chris" is projecting his insecure self onto this little girl to get US TO SYMPATHIZE WITH HIM. :monkey4 Chris...you need to move back home and get back with this girl, because if she is like you describe and you act like your posts in this thread BOTH OF YOU ARE " two peas in a pod". from the looks of things you're more confused than she is and are the one that has NO CLUE what you want. if you actually wanted advice and not attention this thread would have ended a long time ago. there's things you learn with time that no one can teach you, so with that all said and my :lecture over. have a wonderful life and see what you think in ten years..:lol


who are you and what have you done with thrifty :mad:

you maybe right though, I never thought to look at it that way :lol
Mr. Thrifty nailed it! When I read that it opened my eyes to see this thread in a new light.:lol If you want to vent, dude then that's cool, I guess, but don't ask for advice if all you want is to vent. Get yourself a mature girl aka a woman and forget about the little girls and their petty games.