Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Your point is valid, it makes sense.

But there is just something about WW in my mind that demands she visually looks as physically strong and capable as Superman, Batman and Conan the freaking Barbarian!

It just does.

I know that it makes no sense but it is something that I can't just easily shake off with your casting logic applied to other characters.

I don't know.....Wonder Wonder just needs to look like a powerhouse to me.

the truth has been spoken.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Regarding the new Wonder Woman footage, I'm really looking forward to the movie. In fact I'd say this is now my most anticipated solo hero movie.

My expectations aren't *too* high though. It does have a bit of an amateurish look to it with regard to the scale and the action. I can't really put my finger on what makes characters riding horses in a forest or fighting with swords high or low production value but I know it when I see it. Take the forest battle in Thor the Dark World where he's helping his friends fight the enemy soldiers (the one where the rock dude shows up at the end) vs. the forest battle at Amon Hen in FOTR. Now from a strictly production value standpoint both films feature guys in costumes fighting guys in monster costumes out in the woods. But somehow Peter Jackson made Amon Hen look like a masterwork of cinema and Thor 2's fight looked more like, well, some people cosplaying out in a park somewhere.

Or compare Arwen being chased by Ringraiths vs. Kate Beckinsale riding her horse being chased by vampires in Van Helsing. Those scenes were night and day (literally actually but that's not the point I'm making.)

And right now the Wonder Woman on horseback scenes feel a little more Van Helsing/Thor 2 to me. Camera work seemed noticably second tier.

And her "300 style" fight indoors with the Nazi dudes. Well, we've seen that before: Baby Doll fighting the Nazi Zombies in Sucker Punch. Well some of us saw and remember that movie anyway, lol. And say what you want against Snyder but he's *really good* at making chicks look awesome when fighting Nazi dudes indoors. :lol And in that clip WW's roundhouse kick looked a little sloppy. It was cool and slo-mo for a second but then you could tell (especially since it WAS in slow-motion) that her leg wasn't long enough to hit the guy so they CG'd her kind of doing this weird horizontal float thing until she connected. Obviously I just articulated those thoughts in two big paragraphs but when I was actually watching the clip they were instantaneous observations. The cinematography and action just seems a hair off a step.

Now for the good. Gadot looks amazing. Really amazing. And the whole little mirror thing, gorgeous. She seems like she's going to be really likable in the part. Which is huge! Likability can cover a multitude of sins. And when they AREN'T trying to just copy Snyder's Sucker Punch moves she really looks like she's going to bring it as an action heroine. Can't wait for the finished film.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

If BvS makes over a billion they will bring WW fight cinematography quality closer to LOTR than Thor 2.

For now enjoy your Thor 2 quality forest battles. :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

what if she doesnt speak that much in both movies?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

If BvS makes over a billion they will bring WW fight cinematography quality closer to LOTR than Thor 2.

For now enjoy your Thor 2 quality forest battles. :lol

I don't know...Avengers and then IM3 were two back to back billion dollar films and then TDW still gave us "D&D in the Park." :monkey1
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Also I think it will be a mistake to feature titillating Sucker Punch style butt shots for WW. We're in an era right now with Rey and Supergirl on the big and small screen where we have these beautiful drool worthy gals kicking butt without the camera going, "yep, here's her ass, soak it in, sooooaaak it in..." And that one freeze frame shot of WW fighting the bad buys has me wondering if DC will be "going there."
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Your point is valid, it makes sense.

But there is just something about WW in my mind that demands she visually looks as physically strong and capable as Superman, Batman and Conan the freaking Barbarian!

It just does.

I know that it makes no sense but it is something that I can't just easily shake off with your casting logic applied to other characters.

I don't know.....Wonder Wonder just needs to look like a powerhouse to me.

I still wish Godot was in better shape, but I guess if she has powers it doesn't matter that much.

To me, this is the ideal female body...for a super hero.

Strong, athletic, yet still feminine. :drool

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Also I think it will be a mistake to feature titillating Sucker Punch style butt shots for WW. We're in an era right now with Rey and Supergirl on the big and small screen where we have these beautiful drool worthy gals kicking butt without the camera going, "yep, here's her ass, soak it in, sooooaaak it in..." And that one freeze frame shot of WW fighting the bad buys has me wondering if DC will be "going there."

why give her a skirt at all..... why show her boobs...

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

But then we got TWS.

Like you I also love, appreciate and respect FOTR's extremely high quality action style (who doesn't) but I would easily place TWS action style up there alongside FOTR.

At the end of the day Marvel is treating most of their movies as kid friendly safe stuff while LOTR wasn't treated like that. LOTR was treated like Lawrence of Arabia.

Hit and miss with these Superhero movies.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I loved everything about the footage. I think Gal is going to do superb. I hope they find a way to bring Pine to the current time, but if not I don't mind a trilogy bringing Wonder Woman to modern times with him in the costarring role.

I'm glad they kept her costume the same. I don't spot any differences.

My favorite shots from the preview:




Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Not sure what you're getting at.

that yeah, the a ss shot was bad, but so is giving her a short skirt like that or even a suit with cleavage, why the need to show her tights or her arms or her uncovered chest and elbows...

you could argue that they are just being faithful to the comic, but come on people, It's 2016! she shouldnt be so uncovered anymore
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

But then we got TWS.

Like you I also love, appreciate and respect FOTR's extremely high quality action style (who doesn't) but I would easily place TWS action style up there alongside FOTR.

At the end of the day Marvel is treating most of their movies as kid friendly safe stuff while LOTR wasn't treated like that. LOTR was treated like Lawrence of Arabia.

Hit and miss with these Superhero movies.

Very true. I think at the end of the day it comes down to the director much moreso than the budget. We'll see with WW. I will say that I enjoyed the clip, watched it twice (not to pick apart, I just thought it looked cool) and I'm very much excited for the finished film.

I will say that I think it's very weird that they're showing this footage at all. It almost feels like they they're desperately trying to shoehorn this clip in before the release of BvS to try and cheat some extra build up for her meeting with the "boys." Before the Avengers each character got their own solo movie or at least a cameo in a solo movie. WB/DC is using pseudo-sizzle reels for upcoming films as the foundations of these characters they're bringing together? Interesting method for building a universe.

I thought Ultron's death was one of the better and most appropriate in any CBM. :dunno

Yeah Ultron was cool but Whedon clearly didn't know what to do with Thanos.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I loved everything about the footage. I think Gal is going to do superb. I hope they find a way to bring Pine to the current time, but if not I don't mind a trilogy bringing Wonder Woman to modern times with him in the costarring role.

I'm glad they kept her costume the same. I don't spot any differences.

My favorite shots from the preview:





why the hell are most of the shots all blue? that blue tint is annoying as f --
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

why the need to show her tights or her arms or her uncovered chest and elbows...

There's passive and tasteful sexiness and in your face trashy sexiness. Melissa Benoit is gorgeous in her form fitting outfit and short skirt but she isn't lap dancing the camera, which is a good thing. Same goes for guys. Chris Evans coming out of the transformation chamber shirtless was probably a drool worthy moment for most girls but that doesn't make it Magic Mike.

I think for these heroic ladies that they shouldn't cross a certain line. Not sure how much of that we'll see with WW, maybe it won't be a big thing at all.

Now Harley Quinn bending over to get the big diamond? I'm totally okay with that. :D
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Also I think it will be a mistake to feature titillating Sucker Punch style butt shots for WW. We're in an era right now with Rey and Supergirl on the big and small screen where we have these beautiful drool worthy gals kicking butt without the camera going, "yep, here's her ass, soak it in, sooooaaak it in..." And that one freeze frame shot of WW fighting the bad buys has me wondering if DC will be "going there."

While I respect the whole covered up Rey showing strength thru her actions and not her sexy body parts for me it's more about the character of WW being a visual equal to Superman/Batman than it is about her sex appeal.

I can't speak for crows though. :lol