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Mine still says January 15th
Lucky bastard!
+1. Just checked and I've been pushed back to Feb. as well. No email either.
Yeah wtf right? So random. I ordered when it went up. Sometimes flexing is a *****
I haven't gotten and email about WW, but last week I got an email about Maleficent. Said 5 - 8 weeks because of the port workers strike.
I wonder if they'll even send one out at this rate
Feb 15th here too..
Jeez. I'm going to call them

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Everybody's could change later on tonight
Yeah the rep said as much. They said they actually got a few and some were shipped out, so maybe we'll see some pics go up soon (wasn't 100% whether she meant Wonder Woman but sounded like it). Also said they should be getting a shipment this week, so you might get it out soon Ink. I'm just pissed cause i i ordered within the first couple of minutes. Whatever, long as it's not a Superman fiasco I'm fine with another 30 days :)

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
I'm getting very curious how this turns out! Ivy came out great, so maybe this will too.
Yeah I badly want to see some in hand pics. Usually those put everyone at ease ;)

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
I too never received an email, but earlier today my final flex was still set for Jan 15. It's now Feb 15. Not unexpected at least...