Broke and happy
I hope Marvel has used up their last remaining villain dance off card. 
Fans did seem to enjoy it though.

Fans did seem to enjoy it though.
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I agree, Singer definitely might trump the Russo Bros with his big boss battle.
Yup, X1, X2, and DOFP were terrible, if only he had a chance to star in a great superhero film.
I'm really with Riddick here. I liked Jackman, but he wasn't the Wolverine I grew up reading about, from the Uncanny comics from the '80s and the Claremont/Miller mini-series. He was more watered down, only hinting at the "real" Wolverine here and there. And I think he probably was the most "pure" Wolverine in X1, when he hadn't fallen into the routine yet, and was still able to legitimately channel a cantankerous beast in human clothing. Even in scenes that were straight out of legit Wolverine stories, like the beginning of The Wolverine, felt like watered down imitations of the real deal. But that takes nothing away from Jackman's abilities. And of course, the writing is as responsible as anything else. A "kinder, gentler" Wolverine sells better to the kids. So honestly, I expect nothing very different in forthcoming movies when he is recast. If we want to get unpredictable, and sometimes dangerous "heroes" who are known as much for killing as anything else, then. . .we'll always have Snyder's Superman.
Never was, never will be.
He did a nice impression of Wolverine from time to time, that's all. And it's not his fault because only the first X-meh film had reasonably written Logan. Overall, cinematic Logan is a charming, good-looking redneck... That's not Wolverine.
Jackman is an awesome actor so while he wasn't good for the role physically he could properly convey the essence of Wolverine if the character was properly written. He was stuck in this routine for fifteen years, there's no reason to prolong it.
Well, Wolvie was never a stone cold bad-ass like Blade. Nor did he use lots of guns and fight vampires. And he wasn't black, and he didn't do a bunch of wacky karate moves. But other than that, agreed 100%!
Wasn't Jackman actually a bit fatter during X1 than he was later? He certainly wasn't as ripped up. But I'll totally take that over a roided up body-builder who acts like a pretty generic good guy.
He had the best look in X1.
Not overly massive, not overly ripped, not overly pretty. And most importantly - had lots of body hair (especially on chest).
Jackson is one of those actor's who, unfortunately, as perfect as he is for the role, has never had the material behind him to allow him to fully let loose, IMO (with minor exceptions here and there).
He's such a great Wolverine, but has been stuck in some bad to mediocre films. It sucks.
I was one minute late!!I've become slow...like QS from AOU.
Well, Wolvie was never a stone cold bad-ass like Blade. Nor did he use lots of guns and fight vampires. And he wasn't black, and he didn't do a bunch of wacky karate moves. But other than that, agreed 100%!
Wasn't Jackman actually a bit fatter during X1 than he was later? He certainly wasn't as ripped up. But I'll totally take that over a roided up body-builder who acts like a pretty generic good guy.