It’s absolutely junk. It was pointless, boring and stupid. The story of how she got to be such a badass was laughable and the action unbelievable . She’s tiny thin punches bad guys like she’s Mike Tyson and takes punches like she’s a Terminator. It’s absolutely Ridiculous. It’s another “big, bad empire” taking advantage of the poor, hardworking farmers who are going to rise up and kill the bad empire. Hello!?! Have we seen this before!?!

The cloning thing at the end!?! OMG!!! Really!?!

No originality and a weak story line. Typical of movies these days with zero substance. It’s not worth the cost of popcorn let alone the time it takes to get to the end. What a huge disappointment.

It’s a sad excuse for a movie and an Epic failure. I’ll go soak my head in a good book and leave this for the 14 year olds.