Lol that justs a badass spiced up drug Smuggler. Speed spice does wonders for those reflexes
When speaking with Han, Kylo says he's "just a memory", to which Han answers, "your memory". Seeing that their conversation is nearly identical to what they say to each other on the bridge in TFA, I think that's all Han is: a visualized memory to aid Kylo's return to the light. Now, I can get behind that Leia had a lot to do with that, but I don't think (in ANY way) that it's supposed to be Han's spirit or ghost.
I never once thought Han was a "ghost." He was totally just in Kylo's mind.
Of course it's not an exactly same memory. Ben imagines his father and re-lives the moment as he wanted.
What if the entire ST was in Ben's mind?![]()
I already have major issues with TROS please don?t do that lol
J Abrams one small thing, when you bring me out can you introduce me as Palpatine.
Going back to ROTS it just hit me now while watching the trailer for it and come on who doesn?t love the PT trailers they were all awesome no doubt about that but holy crap watching this trailer now makes it seem so obvious to me just how desperate George Lucas must?ve been at that time due to the PT backlash that he pretty much almost gave away the entire movie away in this trailer sheesh.
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PT are bad movies with bad script but good continuity and some cool ass looking **** sprinkled in. The ST aren't bad movies per say but they have terrible continuity as a trilogy and with the overall star wars story. Atleast GL stuck with a vision (regardless of how ****** it was) when filming the PT, all that that crap from phantom menace to rotj feels cohesive and part of the same overall story arc. The ST is a ****ing disjointed mess mainly due to the 2nd film and rian Johnson.
I already have major issues with TROS please don?t do that lol
J Abrams one small thing, when you bring me out can you introduce me as Palpatine.
Going back to ROTS it just hit me now while watching the trailer for it and come on who doesn?t love the PT trailers they were all awesome no doubt about that but holy crap watching this trailer now makes it seem so obvious to me just how desperate George Lucas must?ve been at that time due to the PT backlash that he pretty much almost gave away the entire movie away in this trailer sheesh.
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This. Pt Is bad but not on the level of the ST. The ST has no memorable moments. And TLJ surpassed clone wars as the most hated Star Wars movie
What if the entire ST was in Ben's mind?![]()
Despite the movie's issues, I really liked that scene. It felt soothing after seeing him die in TFA.
Pt Is bad but not on the level of the ST.
Wrong. PT is still way worse then the ST.
but the sentimental sap in me just prefers it as a true reconciliation between father and son.
Yes but the PT didn?t rely on nostalgia to get butts in seats. It told its own story without relying on what cane before. Yea they are horrible story telling wise especially AOTc but rots as a whole is just a better film. Flaws and all. Defending the ST is like defending a kid who keeps acting up at home even tho he should no better.
This thread is people bringing up the stupidity in some scenes and two or three guys defending how they make sense through the magic of retcon lol
Actually, I think the PT relied on nostalgia equally with the ST. The PT was all about the fall of the Jedi and the origin of Vader. That was the main draw to it IMO.
All SW movies since the OT relied on nostalgia. This is why they do so well in the USA, and less well elsewhere.