One question. Has anyone purchased this??
Yes. I have it. It's amazing. I'll probably write a review.
One question. Has anyone purchased this??
R rated film- what do they want- not a family oriented crowd suction like Avengers...Fox knew this going in with that rating- it is doing fine for what it is
This is my views...
I believe if AVP & AVP-R movies were at the same caliber as the original Predator and Alien everyone would have embraced them and this discussion would have not existed,
Truth is AVP are more related to the Alien universe than Predator as Weyland (however you want to spell it) exists in all five pictures including Prometheus. There is not a whisper of it all three Predator movies.
As a viewer of ONLY the movies (I have not read comic books/video games/ novels etc) I will continue to believe they share the same universe and timeline. Honestly it does not bother me at all. I find the “what if” or “only in the Predator universe” etc harder to believe than they actually sharing.
I see the Engineer, Giant Squid, cobra eels, black liquid added ingredients to our already love/hate universe!!!!
When I sat in the theatre back in July 2004 as the lights dimmed to watch AVP, I never once turned to my wife and said ...”hey FYI this is a what if movie....or remember this only takes place in the Predator universe......don’t try to think of the other four Alien pictures......
You must be crazy if you think AvP was a better film than Alien 3. Or even Alien Resurrection.
you must be crazy if you think avp was a better film than alien 3. Or even alien resurrection.
Alien 3 was a masterpiece. Up there with Alien and Aliens. The special version atleast.Well, nothing after Aliens and until Prometheus was exactly a masterpiece...
And Goose...go watch Resurrection, AvP, and AvP:R again.
Alien 3 was a masterpiece. Up there with Alien and Aliens. The special version atleast.
And Goose...go watch Resurrection, AvP, and AvP:R again.
I'd say AvP is almost on par with Resurrection...but AvP:R is easily the worst of the bunch.
Alien 3 was a masterpiece. Up there with Alien and Aliens. The special version atleast.
And Goose...go watch Resurrection, AvP, and AvP:R again.
I'd say AvP is almost on par with Resurrection...but AvP:R is easily the worst of the bunch.
What do you people think the likelihood is of HT making the Engineer at the beginning? That's probably my most wanted figure but I'm guessing that's a near-certain no. Would people agree? NECA though I'm thinking might do it though, which I'd be happy with.
What do you people think the likelihood is of HT making the Engineer at the beginning? That's probably my most wanted figure but I'm guessing that's a near-certain no. Would people agree? NECA though I'm thinking might do it though, which I'd be happy with.
Right. They didn't. I thought I was in the NECA thread.Heh, I guess it could look strange. And that's all it probably could be too, no accessories, which adds against it. In the film though I found that look intriguingly bizarre and striking, a great deal more so than in either suit.
I didn't know HT said they planned to do a lot. Even with hearing that though, I really find it very difficult to imagine them doing more than 2 or 3 figures. Maybe at best two Engineers, same versions as NECA has shown, and a suited David and either suited Noomi or Charlize Theron. At worst, one Engineer and David.