Anyone in Canada that wants this figure...don't worry...we can pay double and buy it from Ebay...
there were so many things wrong with this figure's ordering process and the storm that ensued afterward. this is my take on what i've seen. for me, this is what killed my jois de vie for this figure.
1- it went on sale friday at 5pm est. not favorable for east coast people commuting home from work or going out for dinner. this made it necessary for smartphone ordering if you weren't around a computer. i personally don't own one.
2- although the hot toys licensing forbid sales to regions other than the united states, many international collectors worked around by having a friend's US address added to ship the order to. this seemed OK to sideshow even though....
3- a few weeks later approximately 90 (this may not be accurate) of these went on sale for european collectors only. this allowed some collectors a second purchase opportunity and from what i read, some did get a second one ordered. yet canadian collectors were ignored on both ordering opportunities.
4- scalpers took advantage of the buzz and sold
several pre-orders for $600+, with some selling for over $800. yet no one knows exactly how rare the figure is because an edition amount has not yet been announced. for all we know, there could be 5000+.
5- the figure sparked several heated arguments with a huge part of the blame put on the frustration some collectors felt. i am guilty as well but learned early on that everyone has a limit and you can't own them all. i may have secured one when it ships however anything can still happen. my wait list reservation may even convert. got on it a couple of hours after it opened the next day after sellout.
summary: i'm not too disappointed anymore because after thinking about it, i feel the mark VI exclusive is a better figure and the mark 42 diecast has the best RDJ sculpt, so the big selling feature for this is the cool base. i was intending to display the seven marks in the hall of armor anyway.

i still would like to add it but i will surely not be paying a huge amount to do so. cheers to all that got an order in and will be keeping it.