Super Freak
I signed up twice to make sure I DIDN'T miss it. I did get it. But it was checking this forum FREQUENTLY and daily is how I learned of the sale.
I signed up multiple times as well. But they definitely sent an email that Monday saying preorder was coming soon so I took it to mean that week. I frequently checked in that week and got the email Friday and placed the PO from my iPhone in the middle of happy hour . I checked the link a couple hours later just for fun and was surprised to still see him available so i figured there was a big quantity and most anyone that wanted him would get him. Apparently not the case.
The thing is no matter what, some people were going to be left unhappy. A limited quantity, different time zones, different countries, etc for a highly sought after piece doesn't leave all the masses happy. It doesn't explain or excuse some not receiving the email but regardless, some were going to end up left in the cold with this guy. It could have even been me or others that got him if we happened to be unable to see our emails or had no ability to PO him at that particular time.