Super Freak
I've still got several months to go, but my WL for the exclusive hasn't converted. I wonder if it's all that big of a deal.
I've still got several months to go, but my WL for the exclusive hasn't converted. I wonder if it's all that big of a deal.
I'm in the same boat but farther back on the WL...
Anyone know when these'll be released?
Slated for a July 2015 release, but expect at least one delay.
Thanks man. Still think this'll be a classic.
I ordered the exclusive, and now I'm debating selling off my orignal Mark III. Was gonna wait until I got the diecast in hand to see if I liked it, but man, so many other armors I want right now.
Really looking forward to this. Only Iron Man I want and need.
Same here, bought the first M3, then the BD M3, BOTH were great looking but felt waaay too light in hand -- it just sort of felt counter-intuitive so I ended up selling them.
I'd love to see HT do a definitive plain Tony figure from the first film, either in the cave or regular playboy clothes. And yes, give sculpting RDJ to Claire Yoo. Kojun cannot get it down.
This was the first image I ever saw of RDJ as Tony. This is something I'm surprised HT hasn't done yet.
Although I'm a fan of how the diecast was implemented with War Machine MK II (seemed to allow for better articulation), I also wonder why people find the 'heft factor' so important. To me, it's main value is as a gimmick that allows HT to shamelessly remake existing Marks (in addition to this Mark III, I'd likely pick-up a War Machine Mark I), so I don't have to buy them for secondary prices on the aftermarket....And, serious question... why is weight important? It's a display piece. I really do not understand this obsession with having scale replicas made out of a cheap pot metal that compromises detail.
Although I'm a fan of how the diecast was implemented with War Machine MK II (seemed to allow for better articulation), I also wonder why people find the 'heft factor' so important. To me, it's main value is as a gimmick that allows HT to shamelessly remake existing Marks (in addition to this Mark III, I'd likely pick-up a War Machine Mark I), so I don't have to buy them for secondary prices on the aftermarket.It is nice to hold these heavier versions in hand, but otherwise, it does nothing for me and you cannot tell visually that there's any there, at all. There are even people now wanting Igor or Hulkbuster to be diecast, just seems ludicrous. Surely in those cases, 5 or 6 pounds of plastic should provide enough heft? Somehow it being 10+ lbs is even better?