MMS Diecast - Iron Man: 1/6th scale Mark III Collectible Figure

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Just had a closer look at my credit card expenses (filtered to Sideshow), and my MkIII worked out to be more expensive than the Mk43 due to the exchange rate.. :cuckoo:
Have anyone here noticed a difference in color between parts on the die cast mark III?

Haven't read this thread from the beginning so I don't know if this has been addressed earlier. I just got mine, and I quickly picked up on a difference in shade of red on the two left shoulder pieces. It seems as if the underlaying piece just missed out of a coat in the painting process. Since the plastic underneath the paint is red this might be hard to see, but when you see the two pieces together it shows, and it starts to bother me.

Does this seem familiar to anybody else?
Mine isn't like that. You might want to try and get a replacement part. Where did you get it from?
Have anyone here noticed a difference in color between parts on the die cast mark III?

Haven't read this thread from the beginning so I don't know if this has been addressed earlier. I just got mine, and I quickly picked up on a difference in shade of red on the two left shoulder pieces. It seems as if the underlaying piece just missed out of a coat in the painting process. Since the plastic underneath the paint is red this might be hard to see, but when you see the two pieces together it shows, and it starts to bother me.

Does this seem familiar to anybody else?

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Mine isn't like that. You might want to try and get a replacement part. Where did you get it from?

I placed my order via Sideshow Collectibles. And I have allready contacted Hottoys regarding replacement parts (if possible), awaiting a response.

But it occured to me, because of the split opinions about the quality of the paint job, that perhaps their painting process isn't that consistant, resulting in some IM:s looking like cheap plastic and others prestine.

I have tried to capture the color differance with my phone but the camera sucks and desn't portrait the colors at all as they appear in hand. I also noticed that when photographed the red color appears colder, more blue-ich. So it's hard to evaluate the paint job on basis of other peoples pics. It's so depended of lighting and the quality of the camera.

Otherwise I'm happy with how the Iron Man mk III turned out. This is my first and only IM from Hottoys, so I'm blessed with ignorance in comparing it to older/better color schemes.
Perhaps I should ad to the discussion that also I would have prefered a darker tone of red on the IM mkIII, since it then seems more "real world" as opposed to comic book. I bet that's one of the reasons for the color incontinuity in the film, to better ground the Iron Man in the enviroment he's in. From a militaristic point of view it's kind of stupid painting something bright red. The burgandy color better rings with the color of a uniform, like Navy Blue.

And also I was disapointed of the lack of die cast parts. I'm more of a statue guy, one dramatic pose is enough for me. So one of the reason for me to buy an articulated IM was the fact that it was supposed to be real metal and in some sense functional, like one of those expensive car models with metal chassi, turning wheels and engine under the hood.

With that being said, I will allways prefer correct proportions in front of articulation and the material used. And I must admit that I was expecting something more toy-like than statue-like (in terms of accuracy), and was happily disappointed.
I placed my order via Sideshow Collectibles. And I have allready contacted Hottoys regarding replacement parts (if possible), awaiting a response.

But it occured to me, because of the split opinions about the quality of the paint job, that perhaps their painting process isn't that consistant, resulting in some IM:s looking like cheap plastic and others prestine.

I have tried to capture the color differance with my phone but the camera sucks and desn't portrait the colors at all as they appear in hand. I also noticed that when photographed the red color appears colder, more blue-ich. So it's hard to evaluate the paint job on basis of other peoples pics. It's so depended of lighting and the quality of the camera.

Otherwise I'm happy with how the Iron Man mk III turned out. This is my first and only IM from Hottoys, so I'm blessed with ignorance in comparing it to older/better color schemes.

Hot toys won't supply parts. You need to contact who you bought it thru. In this case you said sideshow. If you can't get the difference to show up in a photo you may not have the best luck getting parts, depending who you speak to.

As for the theory you mentioned about the color issue...I doubt that's the case. Hot toys is well versed in iron man painting and there's really no reason to think that the color varies. The way it's painted there wouldn't be variations in entire figures but each figure be uniform.
Two huge boxes come in the mail today, best day ever! The Mark III box was surprisingly heavy. It's my first Hot Toy, can't wait to break it out later tonight. So far QC looks ok.

Took a few more pictures tonight... I recently got a Foldio 2 light box so I've been having fun playing around with it. Love this armor!

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Seeing some of these earlier versions of Iron Man armors, I'm really glad I waited for this version of the Mark III. The proportions are way off with the first Mark III, (especially around the mid-section and waist, not to mention the face) and I might be in the minority, but I can't stand that maroon. The Iron Man 2 Mark VI has weird proportions as well and the elongated helmet looks like the face of a duck!

So good to see the improvements Hot Toys has made to their figures over the years. Man, some of that early stuff is REALLY bad.
I agree about the maroon. It is almost too maroon to me. If every "version" of the suit in the movie, be it prop, cgi, partial suit etc was the colour this figure is, I'd say it is one hell good looking suit..
Had a chance to play around with it last night, the die cast and heft really makes you feel you are holding something valuable (got mine for $274 shipped). I had absolutely no QC issues with mine, only thing wrong was one tiny battery was corroded upon arrival so my left hand is inoperable at the moment. The "hot rod red" color is absolutely what I expected and really pops on the shelf. The lightup display was a nice surprise (I thought it was just going to be a couple floor LED's shining upward) and the fully lighted ring looks professionally done. The articulation is disappointing at first but my main use for this figure is for static display anyway. And honestly if I wanted to "play" with an articulated figure I would go with something much cheaper than this (Revo/Figuarts) to avoid paint rub on the shoulders and thighs. The head and hands were easier than I thought to pop off. The forearm panels, not so much - but after some wiggling they came right out. I have yet to try the rotated torso, maybe later if I get brave enough. As for the metal flap plastic wrap, I am probably not going to remove those! So delicate it feels like disarming a bomb.


Anyways here is the manual for those of you who like to keep yours sealed.

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