Freaked Out
The snow speeder can be seen in the door frame outside when the heroes enter the base.
Hoping when the BluRay comes out they have an extended edition with the deleted scenes.
Correct. 25 minutes of scenes with completed effects were cut during the last month of editing, and the Snowspeeder chase (and Snowspeeders) were probably part of that 25 minutes.
Yeah Bluray extended edition will be 100% guaranteed ! Bring it on JJ !Hoping when the BluRay comes out they have an extended edition with the deleted scenes.
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There was a rumor before the film's release that Kylo entered the Falcon at some point after it had crashed on Starkiller Base and had some sort of "emotional moment" in the cockpit. Whether the rumor was completely false, or this was actually filmed and cut, I do not know, but I purchased and have been looking through the visual guide and on the snowtrooper page there is an image of two snowtroopers inside the falcon, and the text next to the image reads "Snowtroopers come in from the cold to examine the interior of the Millenium Falcon after it trespasses into First Order territory" So maybe they really are in some additional scenes that we could see on the blu ray.
I asked Pablo Hildalgo about that scene.
Apparently it was cut due to the fact it didn't make sense to have Kylo go out to the MF and then turn around and go back to the base cause he would have known whoever was on the MF would have been going to destroy the base or try to free Rey anyways...
I really hope to see the scene of Kylo sitting at the MF was rumoured there is a Snoke v/o saying "don't get sentimental"...
Just ordered the Officer along with a Spacetrooper, in addition to the Kylo Ren I ordered on Christmas. Looks like the collection's getting an upgrade! These will be my first Hot Toys figures; the only other 1/6 scale figure I own is the Sideshow Deluxe Vader.
For all those who like to say they make movies for the merchandise, that right there proves it wrong.
In the Art Book they explain that for the aerial battles they went with just X-Wings vs. regular TIE's because of the sheer volume of fighters on both sides in this movie. They wanted instantly identifiable silhouettes so that the audience would always be able to tell who was who. Now I admit, I was a little bummed that there were no A-Wings or whatever brand new ships but they could have so *easily* had three types of TIE Fighters and five new Resistance fighters and increased spaceship toys tenfold. So I can't help but appreciate that they erred on the side of having a more enjoyable film experience at the expense of additional merchandise.