Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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Well I caved and preordered from sideshow. I don’t really collect Star Wars figures but this is one i had to pick up. I dropped my BBTS order about a month back but couldn’t hold out. Not when it is basically sold out for preorder everywhere else in the U.S.

I really love the opening ROTJ scene with Luke and this figure reps him amazingly well.

Looking forward to it.

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Yea i ordered mine last month and had a heck of time finding any places in the US that were still offering pre orders.

I debated like a day and then could not sleep and ordered it like at 3 am. The figure just looks too good to pass up.

Besides this is my last SW figure i ever buy as long as KK and RJ are running the franchise into the ground.

And this version of luke was my fav after the bespin luke.

Everything TLJ related can just die. The toys are sitting on store shelves. Mattel lost a good chunk of profits thanks to TLJ, toys r us are on the verge of going out of business, thanks in part to all the store wars toys sitting on shelves. The solo toys look awful.

So it is alot of people that are turning their backs on star wars not just the flame wars here.

I find it amusing when people try to defend the "plot" of the disney movies though its so cute. and no for me it is not the fact the ruined lukes character, it is they ruined every single character in the bloody movie, especially the "hero" rey.

And will leave it there because if it start ranting about the endless things wrong with tfa and tlj this post will never end and i need to goto bed.
I debated like a day and then could not sleep and ordered it like at 3 am. The figure just looks too good to pass up.


For me it's this then Bespin Han (fingers crossed) then I'm out. They've pretty much almost completed all the notable OT characters then it's time to roll out the V2's.

For me it's this then Bespin Han (fingers crossed) then I'm out. They've pretty much almost completed all the notable OT characters then it's time to roll out the V2's.

Yea i loved that han look when i was a kid.

Maybe if they do a v2 bobba fette i could be tempted.

For me it's this then Bespin Han (fingers crossed) then I'm out. They've pretty much almost completed all the notable OT characters then it's time to roll out the V2's.

Still missing a few OT people before we can close the book. Lando, Veers, Ackbar and Wedge mainly. After those guys, I think we can all rest happily.
Cannot wait to have Jedi Luke displayed in my Detolf fighting with ROTJ Boba Fett in flying mode. Pretty much hes the last piece in 2018 Hot Toys collection for me.
Damn you, playing with my emotions like that :mad: :gah:

Can't wait for June.

Yeah, thought the same thing.:monkey4

I'm hoping this ships in mid June from SSC, but it'll have to show up in Asia like now for that to happen.
Honestly I really hope they don’t screw the pooch on this one....

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If final production pic not gonna show up withthin this month, I except shipment time from SideShow would be in July, or worse August

that would be exclude the... delay case
Do you think they will do another Bespin Luke? They've gotten so much better at head sculpts, I really hope they do.
Do you think they will do another Bespin Luke? They've gotten so much better at head sculpts, I really hope they do.

I wouldn't hold my breath. I'm sure they'll redo every character down the line. A Dagobah/X-Wing Luke is more likely I think.

If final production pic not gonna show up withthin this month, I except shipment time from SideShow would be in July, or worse August

that would be exclude the... delay case

I'm calling it. Final production pics are going to drop next Thursday. If not, then August it is.
I wouldn't hold my breath. I'm sure they'll redo every character down the line. A Dagobah/X-Wing Luke is more likely I think.

I'm calling it. Final production pics are going to drop next Thursday. If not, then August it is.

So anytime in the next 4 months?

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Any chance this thing might be tweaked, before release? I dont like the open mouth, I dont know why they couldnt just make him with stoic/determined look, instead of that dumbfounded look. The figure's face looks like he just unmasked Vader, and found Lucas behind the mask...
Any chance this thing might be tweaked, before release? I dont like the open mouth, I dont know why they couldnt just make him with stoic/determined look, instead of that dumbfounded look. The figure's face looks like he just unmasked Vader, and found Lucas behind the mask...

I think it’s been said before, but that open mouth thing is a new attempt at keeping recasters at bay...

Apparently with modern copying technique, the slightly open mouth makes it harder to duplicate on a large scale.

Dunno if that’s true , but it’s the only thing that makes any sense to me.

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