A link to the medi https://www.onesixthwarriors.com/forum/sixth-scale-action-figure-news-reviews-discussion/88518-anyone-get-medicom-dark-knight-fig-does-compare-hot-toys.html
If the smart they would have seen what Medicom did and improve upon it
IMO, that's exactly what they did.
All or nothing. Half and half wouldn't look good.
Depends on how they did it and what materials they used. As long as there was good contrast between the panels and pants on the legs it could be seamless with the top. Just depends on how the illusion of the under part of the pants is done, i.e. painting.
The belt in addition to the upper part of the chest could hide the difference between the two materials quite well. I wouldn't scoff at it if they pulled it off and it looked great. Better than an all rubber, two piece suit. I know someone tried it (upper undersuit, left the rubber leggings) and while they did an admirable job, it looked odd due to the different materials. This was due in part that they used the DX legs which were soft on details any way and couldn't be fixed.
I'd have to see that. Just very doubtful that fabric and rubber could be made to look the same.
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