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I don't see why people even pre-order...

95% of the figures are still available after release with discounts.

You think that'll last forever? They know they way overproduced last year, its not in their benefit to make too many figures that take a year to sell, and I would fully expect smaller product runs going forward. Probably not a coincidence that everything in the AoU line has an NRD now on Sideshow, they want firmer interest numbers in advance of release.
We pre order just in case the figure happens to be one of the 5% that sells out before release
Hardly happens anymore to be honest. The only time a figure sells out these days is if it has an exclusive version. Normal edition usually stays well after the figure releases in HK now.

Heck these days I question if it's even worth getting the figure when it releases since they usually sell on a discount down the road. The market is so saturated now.

You think that'll last forever? They know they way overproduced last year, its not in their benefit to make too many figures that take a year to sell, and I would fully expect smaller product runs going forward. Probably not a coincidence that everything in the AoU line has an NRD now on Sideshow, they want firmer interest numbers in advance of release.
I'd argue Sideshow placing NRD's now actually causes the figure to be up for PO longer. People here avoid NRD's like it's a plague.
Either way you save way more waiting just a bit longer than hoping on a 5%. Let's see... you save 50 bucks on 95% of the new figs you want... or have to pay maybe an extra 30-50 by missing out on that 5%.

Hell the discounts go into hundreds even.

By the 4th-6th figure, I can get a whole 'nother figure with the money I've saved. That slim chance of a figure selling out and having to pay a little extra doesn't even matter when you can fund a whole new freakin' figure with what you've saved.

I literally can't think of a single figure recently that you would have been SOL by not pre-ordering right away. Even Marty EX had conversions after his release.
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Hardly happens anymore to be honest. The only time a figure sells out these days is if it has an exclusive version. Normal edition usually stays well after the figure releases in HK now.

Heck these days I question if it's even worth getting the figure when it releases since they usually sell on a discount down the road. The market is so saturated now.

All good points. I still like to place my order day one though because I feel more secure about it even if it will most definitely still be available at the time of release
Either way you save way more waiting just a bit longer than hoping on a 5%. Let's see... you save 50 bucks on 95% of the new figs you want... or have to pay maybe an extra 30-50 by missing out on that 5%.

Hell the discounts go into hundreds even.

By the 4th-6th figure, I can get a whole 'nother figure with the money I've saved. That slim chance of a figure selling out and having to pay a little extra doesn't even matter when you can fund a whole new freakin' figure with what you've saved.

I literally can't think of a single figure recently that you would have been SOL by not pre-ordering right away. Even Marty EX had conversions after his release.

Does it really matter tho? :dunno People are going to order when they want and its up to them to decide if waiting for a discount is worth it or not.
Does it really matter tho? :dunno People are going to order when they want and its up to them to decide if waiting for a discount is worth it or not.


Sure, you can wait for 6-12 months (or longer) for a $~25 coupon to hit. No problem with that and congrats, you saved less than a tank of gas for your patience.

Others want the character in their collection asap so PO'ing day one is a non-issue. No problem with that either.

You already can use $20 coupons on pre-orders that are longer than a month or whatever.

What I'm talking about is FIFTY - HUNDREDS on each Fig in less than 6 months. Not measly 25. No where did I state 25 because it's not true. TDW Thor was like $60+ off, not even counting rewards. And I'm not even talking ebay prices... those you can get even steeper discounts into even the hundred mark.

This is the only way I can stomach HTs these days. They've upped their costs and nothing is limited. Can't imagine paying full retail for my 80+ figs X.X

But whatever, just saying there is no point.
One reason I order early is to take advantage of the max flex-pay, especially with so many figures up for PO at the same time.

As for Thor, I'm glad he comes with a standard base since I'm going for museum poses anyway and space is limited as it is (and helps his price as well). I already had to order a plain base for my ASM 2 Spidey since the base he comes with, while nice is ridiculously huge for just a standing pose.
I did say $~25 meaning ballpark $25. :lol

I get your point, but there's no guarantee a fig is going to get the major discount treatment, especially if it's from one of the heavy hitter lines.

Thor is notoriously a slow mover so I do agree the wait and see approach can net you some nice savings down the road...
Thats why I order early too :hi5:

Same here. Plus I don't forget. If I wait I end up forgetting what I've ordered. Did that with Prime. Was sure I'd ordered it. Then noticed a month later I didn't. If I hadn't been checking my order history is have never noticed.
I did say $~25 meaning ballpark $25. :lol

I get your point, but there's no guarantee a fig is going to get the major discount treatment, especially if it's from one of the heavy hitter lines.

Thor is notoriously a slow mover so I do agree the wait and see approach can net you some nice savings down the road...

Its too high a risk for me to take.

The longest I'll wait to PO non-EX figures is three months - when they become coupon eligible. Anything longer than that is too risky.

With the first Avengers line I really screwed up. Only figure I bought from SSC was Hulk in the set with Banner and got that $100 off during Spooktacular last year. Every other figure from that line has cost me an arm and a leg. Cap was $400. Hawkeye was $600. Mark VII was $450. Widow and Thor were $300 each. Still hunting Mark VI but $1000 is too rich for my blood.

After the Avengers massacre on my wallet I learned my lesson and PO now the moment figures are coupon eligible and if they're EXs then they're day 1 POs.