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looking for a GMG MKIII eh?
I had one and sold it :slap Very desirable figure I think.... lots of hunters, very little prey

Yeah, I could have gotten one a couple months back, passed on it, and now I really want it. I mean there are some on the bay that are tempting me, but I rather get it from a trusted freak. What is your opinion of the piece, in hand? Worth it?
Yeah, I could have gotten one a couple months back, passed on it, and now I really want it. I mean there are some on the bay that are tempting me, but I rather get it from a trusted freak. What is your opinion of the piece, in hand? Worth it?

jeez I had it for about 12 hours :rotfl... I already had a buyer lined up when I got it :dunno
I did take a long look at it though. Its definitely worth having though. Really nice. I would love to see it with the new Tony Stark head
I have not gotten this guy yet, still waiting on sideshow to get it in...but from that photo(which are great) the backpack appears the same as the starboost one.
I have not gotten this guy yet, still waiting on sideshow to get it in...but from that photo(which are great) the backpack appears the same as the starboost one.

There are very different, they are similar just because they are designed to do the same thing.
So, what's the timeline on this? Are the Falcon wings/backpack(That were made by Stark Industries), built *before* Tony stopped making weapons? Or after?
Sam never says what year he flew with the wings, or where. Widow mentions that she didn't know he was a pararescue, and a "Khalid Khandil"(SP) mission. We have to assume it was in the middle east. If it was Afghanistan, it would probably have been in the early 2000s.
I wonder if these things were pre-production protos that were developed before the IM suits and Tony's captivity, so he stopped making stuff like this.

I also find it funny that they mention the wingpack is stored at Fort Mead, and insinuate there is going to be a heist happening shortly.
Then just skip over it, lol.
We know if *happened*. But we just never saw it.
So, what's the timeline on this? Are the Falcon wings/backpack(That were made by Stark Industries), built *before* Tony stopped making weapons? Or after?
Sam never says what year he flew with the wings, or where. Widow mentions that she didn't know he was a pararescue, and a "Khalid Khandil"(SP) mission. We have to assume it was in the middle east. If it was Afghanistan, it would probably have been in the early 2000s.
I wonder if these things were pre-production protos that were developed before the IM suits and Tony's captivity, so he stopped making stuff like this.

I also find it funny that they mention the wingpack is stored at Fort Mead, and insinuate there is going to be a heist happening shortly.
Then just skip over it, lol.
We know if *happened*. But we just never saw it.

Theres no timeline for Sam's service in the military, and the EXO-7 Falcon device was made prior to 2014... :dunno
There were only 2 made and they were deployed to Afghanistan by the U.S Air Force and later handed to the Air National Guard at Fort Meade. Only one is known to exist from the original two.
There was a rumor that the pack was made by Stark Industries because there was a logo on the pack but I don't think it shows up in the movie

I think the point in skipping the heist scene was to imply that breaking into a highly secured military compound with only a few hours notice would be no problem for the group :lol
Theres no timeline for Sam's service in the military, and the EXO-7 Falcon device was made prior to 2014... :dunno
There were only 2 made and they were deployed to Afghanistan by the U.S Air Force and later handed to the Air National Guard at Fort Meade. Only one is known to exist from the original two.
There was a rumor that the pack was made by Stark Industries because there was a logo on the pack but I don't think it shows up in the movie

Yeah, I did check the wiki entry first too.
I was just thinking out loud in case there were comics tie ins that others had read.

I think the point in skipping the heist scene was to imply that breaking into a highly secured military compound with only a few hours notice would be no problem for the group :lol

Oh, i totally get that. I was all set for the heist and then they turn up in the next scene with the wings.
I half expected they were going to get Sitwell to steal them the wings. Then they just had them.
It was great. They could have made a DVD short of that heist scene.
Oh, i totally get that. I was all set for the heist and then they turn up in the next scene with the wings.
I half expected they were going to get Sitwell to steal them the wings. Then they just had them.
It was great. They could have made a DVD short of that heist scene.

I was expected something in the deleted scenes for the Bluray or something :dunno It would have made a better extra than the 'cut the check' one :gah: :lol
I'm planning to pass on him for now. If I can get him down the road I might then, if not I'll just go ahead and plan for the eventual Civil War version. I already have other 1/6th on my list to get this year, and he's on my "I would like to have it" list, but not my "I've got to have it..now!" list.

In the TWS line, Bucky was my most wanted figure, followed by Black Widow. Got both of those and I'm happy. I'm getting AOU Cap instead of TWS Cap, because of the lack of red in the strike suit.
I'm planning to pass on him for now. If I can get him down the road I might then, if not I'll just go ahead and plan for the eventual Civil War version. I already have other 1/6th on my list to get this year, and he's on my "I would like to have it" list, but not my "I've got to have it..now!" list.

In the TWS line, Bucky was my most wanted figure, followed by Black Widow. Got both of those and I'm happy. I'm getting AOU Cap instead of TWS Cap, because of the lack of red in the strike suit.

:lol any more lists? :lol

Did you get Golden Age Cap? I'm happy with just getting the 3 main figures(GACap, Widow, WS) and I would also put Falcon and Strike set on my 'like to have' list :lol :duff
I got this coming, I'm gonna pick up the strike suite single(maybe on sale or after rp), picked up an Evans head and helmet from onesixthkit, I'm good from this line.
:lol any more lists? :lol

Did you get Golden Age Cap? I'm happy with just getting the 3 main figures(GACap, Widow, WS) and I would also put Falcon and Strike set on my 'like to have' list :lol :duff

No, just those two. :lol I don't bother with a "Meh" list or "Screw that!" list.

I never cared to get Golden Age Cap. I prefer the TFA Cap to that one, and if I wanted/could get a Cap in the original suit that's the one I would go for. I didn't like the sculpt of the Golden Age Cap or the fit of the suit.

I love the strike suit, but since I had to return to my one version per character rule, I chose AOU over it purely because of the red in it. It's the best of both worlds because it's the stealth design + it's the iconic colors for Cap.

I would like a Falcon but I'm not in a hurry for it. I don't mind waiting until Civil War for one. I'll probably end up liking it better anyway, since the suit will likely be modified/custom to the character.