Mediocre? Aww come on, it wasn't that bad. I loved it! And he was a quality villain with good depth and some great comedy moments.
i totally agree. i loved age of ultron, and particularly enjoyed ultron himself.
he was extremely cool looking. from the mark 1 to ultimate ultron. all of them looked great. ultron mark 1 was just creepy, it was a great introduction to the character. prime is awesome, to me that look IS ultron. and ultimate ultron was bad ass and looked like he beefed up for battle.
i'm not sure what else people wanted out of the movie. i feel it did a solid job at continuing and building upon the rift between steve and tony. it fleshed out some of the characters a bit more, we learned more about the relationships between the team, and it fed the larger picture.
part of me thinks that, for some people, the movie was never going to live up to expectations. the first avengers movie was great because there wasn't really anything like it. heroes with their own franchises coming together for a movie. age of ultron was never going to live up to that. also, i think some people are just looking more towards infinity wars since that'll come closer to giving people the feeling they had for the first avengers movie.
i don't think civil war is going to suffer from this though because it's going to be hero vs hero.
but hey, i'm someone who enjoyed iron man 2, iron man 3, and the dark world.. so what do i know?
anyways.. i still wish they had an alternate head for this figure, one with the circles on his cheeks opened (like they are in the movie when he gets angry). i think it would've gone a long way in adding perceived and tangible value to this figure. the price for this thing is a little hefty, only including a couple hands and a stand, a cool stand, but a stand nonetheless, is a bit of shame. a second head sculpt, maybe some hand effects (like we're getting with the 45) and that blanket or sheet that he wore prior to his reveal would've really brought this figure to the next level. but i guess if they had included the sheet they would've had to include the chair as well.. boy, that'd be an awesome accessories pack.. include the extra head, the sheet, the chair, and extra armor pieces to turn him into ultimate ultron.
okay.. i'm thinking too much about this. i'm excited for this figure.