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Imagine a world where you didn't have to lie to your significant other about the cost of things you spend your money on... A world where the person who is supposed to accept you for who you are actually does so and in turn you share your hobby with them or they just let you be with it. A world where you are comfortable enough to justify your hobby and its expenses. I believe that their can be a world where that AND hulk buster from HT can coexist!
Imagine a world where you didn't have to lie to your significant other about the cost of things you spend your money on... A world where the person who is supposed to accept you for who you are actually does so and in turn you share your hobby with them or they just let you be with it. A world where you are comfortable enough to justify your hobby and its expenses. I believe that their can be a world where that AND hulk buster from HT can coexist!

Sounds like my world, my girlfriend told me to buy it after i showed her pictures and she knows how much they cost.
Imagine a world where you didn't have to lie to your significant other about the cost of things you spend your money on... A world where the person who is supposed to accept you for who you are actually does so and in turn you share your hobby with them or they just let you be with it. A world where you are comfortable enough to justify your hobby and its expenses. I believe that their can be a world where that AND hulk buster from HT can coexist!
*Sheds a single tear* That was beautiful
I admit that lying to your significant other sucks. You should've seen my girlfriend's face when she saw me "trying" to move the 1989 Batmobile box up the stairs. She caught me of guard and I don't know what to say. "Baby, I just got a new dresser for ya!"

That didn't work.
Wife and I went through the SSC site and she picked out 3 I should get now. When I showed her HB she made a sour face and was like, how many iron men are you going to get? It's ugly too!

It's a give and take. :)
For me, I told my wife that if she's not ok with me getting hulkbuster, then I wouldn't even consider getting it. But she said its up to me and I pulled the trigger 2 days later. Haha.

As we are moving to our new place end of this year, I need to consider where to place this bad boy and how to prevent my son (currently 4months old) from hulk smashing my hulkbuster when he grows older.
Sounds like my world, my girlfriend told me to buy it after i showed her pictures and she knows how much they cost.

My girlfriends response was very similar, just said if you want it you should get it. Haven't pulled the trigger on it just yet but I most likely will only problem is that I have no idea where to display it.
My wife collects aswell,she doesn't mind as long as the kids don't need anything and all bills are paid.[emoji4]
I feel for everyone as long as your financial obligations are met then it is a non issue. It is a hobby but not a priority. I know a lot of collectors have AD and routing the ok through the SO is a way to keep it in line and not go in debt so to speak. This thread for obvious reasons the comments have been more rampant and I decided to say a little something. I hope no one was offended. With that being said. I can't wait for the movie and all the figs associated with it.
Even if financial obligations are met, and even if it's disposable income, spending $800+ on a toy (let's call it what it is) is a pill that's hard to swallow, I don't care who you are. Well, unless you are filthy rich.

Having someone who supports your hobby is a plus, but it still makes me feel bad once in a while spending so much money on these things. What does one do? Right?
Even if financial obligations are met, and even if it's disposable income, spending $800+ on a toy (let's call it what it is) is a pill that's hard to swallow, I don't care who you are. Well, unless you are filthy rich.

Having someone who supports your hobby is a plus, but it still makes me feel bad once in a while spending so much money on these things. What does one do? Right?

Thats how you view it and while I can say spending over a thousand a handbag or shoes are just accessories or clothes its a choice people make willingly. I don't feel bad spending my money on something I want. If I decided to buy it I already weighed out the pros and cons. Easy to swallow pill.
Even if financial obligations are met, and even if it's disposable income, spending $800+ on a toy (let's call it what it is) is a pill that's hard to swallow, I don't care who you are. Well, unless you are filthy rich.

Having someone who supports your hobby is a plus, but it still makes me feel bad once in a while spending so much money on these things. What does one do? Right?

I feel ya. It's never easy. Even if it's one $900 figure for the whole year instead of 3 $300 figures.
Quick question, do people usually use the batteries HT provides? Or do you go out and buy your own? I've heard HT's included batteries have a reputation for being cheap. Also, do you leave the batteries inside the figure or do you remove them for fear of corrosion?
Even if financial obligations are met, and even if it's disposable income, spending $800+ on a toy (let's call it what it is) is a pill that's hard to swallow, I don't care who you are. Well, unless you are filthy rich.

Having someone who supports your hobby is a plus, but it still makes me feel bad once in a while spending so much money on these things. What does one do? Right?

Accompany your significant other on a shopping trip for Louboutin or Manolo Blahnik shoes.. or Designer Handbags, and your feelings of guilt will evaporate, like mist on a summer morning.
Imagine a world where you didn't have to lie to your significant other about the cost of things you spend your money on... A world where the person who is supposed to accept you for who you are actually does so and in turn you share your hobby with them or they just let you be with it. A world where you are comfortable enough to justify your hobby and its expenses. I believe that their can be a world where that AND hulk buster from HT can coexist!

It does, its in a world where your significant other is a guy :lol