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I'm going to buy one of those handbags to carry around my Hulkbuster!

HAHAH that made me actually laugh out loud

Or you know find a partner who also like figures

My partner doesn't collect but I never have to check in or lie or anything like that. Reading the forum you kinda get a jaded impression

Edit** Reading the forum I kinda get a jaded impression.
Just put it on flex pay and you'll be buying eight $92 figures

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I thought about it, but she still won't let it slide. This is the closest I'll get to a Hulkbuster haha.

I got a pretty good laugh out of this. Thank you. Luckily she enjoys the same stuff as i do. She likes geeky things like this, but she wont allow $800 on one figure.
My wife is the same way, I had to promised a lot of things. and now i don't get Christmas or birthdays for the next 2 years. worth I think.
I don't think i could do that. She is really good at gift giving so I'd hate to give that up. She gets me things i didn't even know i wanted. That's awesome you were able to pull it off with your wife though.
Lol yeah lets see what happends when he gets married and has a wife, not a gf who probably thinks it cute lol.

I'm 25 married and my wife is awesome not once has she ever told me not to get a figure and doesn't care remotely what i do with my money as long as my half of the bills are paid so it's all about finding someone who fits you individually I'd say!
I got my wife into collecting Wonder Woman to even out the field when it comes to the justification of buying expensive collectibles. Thanks to her completist attitude I never have to worry about being bothered over spending money on toys. If anything I should be the complaining girlfriend at this point.
I ended up ordering the new mk7 stealth, without telling wife. I switch my flex payment to a new personal checking account that she does not know about. Only worried is how will I answer her questions when she sees that I have more figures in my case.

I ended up ordering the new mk7 stealth, without telling wife. I switch my flex payment to a new personal checking account that she does not know about. Only worried is how will I answer her questions when she sees that I have more figures in my case.


Yeah, lying to your wife is a great idea. That makes total sense!

I ended up ordering the new mk7 stealth, without telling wife. I switch my flex payment to a new personal checking account that she does not know about. Only worried is how will I answer her questions when she sees that I have more figures in my case.

I'm really, really glad I don't have to even consider resorting to this kind of stuff with my GF. I wouldn't take it that well if she lied to me about a pair of shoes or clothes or whatever she feels like buying for herself (and which, at the end of the day, is none of my business anyway).