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And since my Wife hasn't had a job in over a year, can't even get an interview, and has zero prospects on the horizon and our life savings is all but gone...it just isn't in the cards right now.

But...if/when she gets a job and I get more RP / or HB is available at a discounted price, I am definitely in.

That stinks man. What does she do?
That stinks man. What does she do?

She's a Pharmacist. But not a bottle filler (that's what most people think of). She's more of a policy an procedural type. But like when I was looking for work, she's in her late 40's and has over 20 years of experience. These days it seems like if you're in that boat, no one wants you. I never thought I'd be too old to find work in my mid 40's but companies seem to want young, cheap employees over experience these days. I'm lucky that I was able to find something after I lost my job, but normally she makes 2x what I do so having her out hurts much more.
She's a Pharmacist. But not a bottle filler (that's what most people think of). She's more of a policy an procedural type. But like when I was looking for work, she's in her late 40's and has over 20 years of experience. These days it seems like if you're in that boat, no one wants you. I never thought I'd be too old to find work in my mid 40's but companies seem to want young, cheap employees over experience these days. I'm lucky that I was able to find something after I lost my job, but normally she makes 2x what I do so having her out hurts much more.

Hopefully things pick up for you Cof, sorry to hear that :(
She's a Pharmacist. But not a bottle filler (that's what most people think of). She's more of a policy an procedural type. But like when I was looking for work, she's in her late 40's and has over 20 years of experience. These days it seems like if you're in that boat, no one wants you. I never thought I'd be too old to find work in my mid 40's but companies seem to want young, cheap employees over experience these days. I'm lucky that I was able to find something after I lost my job, but normally she makes 2x what I do so having her out hurts much more.

It's not just about not wanting older. It's an investment and training issue. With an older experienced employee you may have to "retrain" or get them to break habits at old jobs. It's generally easier to train someone who's not picked up bad habits, or any habits. Also, turnover/training is a large investment and outlay. I don't think people understand how expensive and how much an employer pays for each worker. Especially in places like the USA and Canada and UK. Anywhere that has a government mandated social security and/or unemployment system.

So when you are looking at spending that money, one of the largest expenses and something you don't want to continue to pay over and over...you look at someone that may at the very best work for 20-30 years(again, at the very best) or someone that could potentially do so for twice that time. And yes, starting now wages are a factor depending not on the difference. But it's more about turn over. It sucks, but it is the way it works. I've got a fair bit of experience with resume and hi riming and interviews. I've been the person that's handled most of that at the smaller companies I've worked for. Most human resource stuff. So if you are looking for any help or insight PM me and I may be able to help. I've done all my friends resumes and prep for interviews and job search stuff. And most of them are uneducated idiots so if I can get them jobs...lol

Anyway...pm me if are looking for any help
She's a Pharmacist. But not a bottle filler (that's what most people think of). She's more of a policy an procedural type. But like when I was looking for work, she's in her late 40's and has over 20 years of experience. These days it seems like if you're in that boat, no one wants you. I never thought I'd be too old to find work in my mid 40's but companies seem to want young, cheap employees over experience these days. I'm lucky that I was able to find something after I lost my job, but normally she makes 2x what I do so having her out hurts much more.

They want a 18 year old with 20 years of experience. Sucks though and hope everything works out for you guys.
I've never thought of this until now, but do any of you think Obadiah would have been proud of this, God rest his soul.
I just cancelled my ordered on this, NRD be damned, I guess that's the price I pay for being impulsive. Trying to scale things back for now, I will enjoy seeing your guys' pics though.
So you basically gave SSC $82.50 for nothing?

Yeah, pretty much, its not really about the money to me as far as when I say I want to scale things back, just starting to rethink how involved I want to be in this hobby. Like I said, I just consider it an impulsive move on my part to order, and I guess 82.50 is the slap on the wrist I get for it. Having a degree in finance, I probably should be smarter with those kinds of things, but it just gets to the point where you take your losses and move on & forward.
I just cancelled my ordered on this, NRD be damned, I guess that's the price I pay for being impulsive. Trying to scale things back for now, I will enjoy seeing your guys' pics though.

I just did the same thing with the Iron Giant I had on PO, giving SSC $30 NRD. As a toy robot collector I discovered SSC and HT with the release and purchase of R2D2; that led to the POs of C-3PO and the Iron Giant. I'm happy to have C-3PO coming but I had to re-think the Giant purchase; in this instance I'd rather put $300 into the "vintage" Ultimate Iron Giant toy vice the same amount into an art piece. I'm sure Mondo's Giant will be awesome, but I had to shift priorities.

I DO have the HB on PO with no regrets!
I DO have the HB on PO with no regrets!

I'm sure you'll love it. I have a hard time thinking out what I'm going through right now. I wish it were as simple as money/space, but it just seems like something else. There's some figures I have that I look at on display and absolutely love, and then others where I think maybe the anticipation and the conversation here among freaks contributed to more enjoyment at that point. Its almost as if I enjoy the wishing/wanting/waiting more than the "having", if that makes any sense.
Yep, there definitely is something shallow (for me) in the enjoyment of having vs anticipation for many figures (some really hit the spot, though, at the same time -- e.g., Groot and Rocket set). I've sold off some figures and cancelled quite a few POs since the beginning of the year and think now I'm about happy with what I have and with what's coming. I definitely want to get off the treadmill of constantly wanting new things, so I'll be capping out at about 30 figures once a few more things are put up for PO.
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Its almost as if I enjoy the wishing/wanting/waiting more than the "having", if that makes any sense.

Makes perfect sense; Spock said something along those lines when he handed off his bride-to-be, T'Pring, in the "Amok Time" episode. As a new guy in the hobby I understand how easy it is to get caught-up in the hype; I came into the group after purchasing R2-D2 and 6 months later have 4 Iron Man and one Cap figure on my shelves and HB on PO! I love most of them but in hindsight could have done without the Silver Centurion.
Maybe I'll get to that point someday. I'm starting to think I need to sell a bunch of my 6 inch figures but not me Hot Toys! Ha but then again I'm fairly new to the game and 10 figs in.