I was like this as a kid. Didn't play with or buy female figures unless they were villains or the costumed/supervillain variety. I had one Leia and that was the one in Bounty Hunter disguise. I always thought a slave Leia would be cool (duh), but those didn't exist when I was a kid. Not sure if I would have gotten one though.
Even now I can count all the female figures I have on two hands. I've never kept a female Hot Toys or 1/6 figure. I had the Sarah Connor w/Exclusive T-1000 head, took the T-1000 head then sold Sarah by herself. I bought the TDKR Catwoman, kept the exclusive Batman cowl and sold off Catwoman. The only female figures I have are two or three Hasbro Leia figures from their Vintage anniversary lines, a few Kenner/Hasbro Batman villains, and a few 6"-7" figures from various lines.
The only female figures I plan to buy in the future, and keep, is the upcoming 7" Sarah Connor, Ripley, Hot Toys Ripley (maybe) and Batman Returns Catwoman if Hot Toys or another company ever get to her.
No rules in the kitchen, no rules in the bedroom, no rules in toy collecting. That's how I roll.
Surprised this isn't up for order yet.
I bet the exclusive for this doesn't last very long.
Pixeltwin said he'll eat his hat if it doesn't last two months for preorder.
Sideshow is busy trying to figure out how much they want to mark up the price....
Who said what?![]()
Am I the only one that would buy his Landspeeder in 1/6 scale? I think even without Ben and the droids, that would make for an awesome addition for this figure. That was one of my favorite vehicles to play with when I was a kid. It'd be a cool way to replicate the original opening.
Pff, everyone would buy that! Ok, not everyone, but it would probably sell better than the Delorean. I'd love one personally, but I don't want a $600 HT version.
No 1/6 Landspeeder for me.
Just opens the flood gate for Snowspeeder. Then X-wing. Then Rancor. Then Bantha. Then Space Slug.
Not sure how anyone could complain about this figure. Nothing but hate and nitpicking in every thread for Hot Toys Star Wars thus far. Honestly every figure from Hot Toys has been great, including this one.
I don't think their Han Solo looks very good though, or their Keaton Bruce Wayne, or Vision, or Crane. We know they can do better, we've seen them do it.
Yeah, but this is someone that also said he doesn't like ANH as much as other SW movies... wtf does that even mean![]()
Leia was not a character I cared too much about, and if she was couldn't bring myself to buy a girl figure. Just my personal preference. Hats off to those that feel differently.
The Marty McFly sculpt was bad and now this!
I didn't know David Cassidy was in Star Wars!
This is exactly what I thought yesterday. They must be thinking "Hmm it SHOULD be around $230 but then it makes our Luke figure overpriced! Let's just mark it up to $280."
Look incredible.
And I thought this was a myth. I guess toy companies are right. Males, no matter what age, are reluctant to buy female figures for some bizarre reason.
I can't wait to get my Leia doll. Though Boushh was always my favorite version.
Any time I tried she pulled out the thermal detonator.Leia's Boushh was a classic but I never got into it.
And I thought this was a myth. I guess toy companies are right. Males, no matter what age, are reluctant to buy female figures for some bizarre reason.
Yeah, but this is someone that also said he doesn't like ANH as much as other SW movies... wtf does that even mean![]()
I'll definitely buy Leia and I really hope we see a ESB Hoth/Falcon version. Don't reall care about any of the fancy dress versions, but those would be great. And I've already got Boushh for my Jabba display.