1/6 Hot Toys - MMS297 - Star Wars: Episode IV - Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure

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It's a fascinating sculpt to look at, because so much is right yet a few things noticeably wrong. I quite like it (nothing's
s perfect as we've found out with the HT SW line,) but in looking at it, I always feel like it's unmistakably Luke, but Luke with an alien presence inside him.

I do think something about Jnix's paint always seems to look like an allergic reaction - too much flushing. Uneven sunburn or a dermatitis outbreak. A few of the Lukes also had too much greenish 5 o'clock shadow, but it looks like he changed that. Also interesting that the sheen you often see in pics of Jnix heads (which isn't really noticeable in-hand) isn't showing up in Matrix's pics.

If you view the Jnix luke at 3/4 or side view, the eye placement issue becomes really obvious. From the front it looks good though, and that's the way you display it.

In comparing to the screen pics, the Jnix head's chin is just a bit too prominent too, making him look less boyish and throwing out the likeness a touch.

I agree. I sold mine off mainly due to the paint work and huge eyes. Jnix's Han Solo is excellent and you don't notice the sun burnt skin as much.
Has anybody tried using a different body for Luke?
The huge neck really bothers me, and it restricts movement terribly. Any ideas which body might be good?
Those are my sentiments also.

I feel the Jnix sculpt got more features correct as an aggregate whole, but I feel the eyes are just egregiously wrong and thus, throws the entire sculpt off for me. I realize Luke has larger eyes, but the dilated eyes on this to me still make it look like he's on meth. And like you said, turn the sculpt at a 3/4 or a side view, and in addition to looking seemingly large, the eyes look sunken in.

Also agree about the chin. Seems a bit too emphasized and strong to me; almost more resembles Christopher Reeve's chin in my opinion.

I'd agree. For me it's feature correct, but it doesn't look like a human being/ a real person, whereas the hot toys looks convincing as a human, but barely resembles Luke.
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Before we let the idea that the eyes are set too deeply on the Jnix sculpt, take a look at the famous "Blue Milk" scene from ANH. There are more prolonged profile angles on Luke in this scene than just about any other scene in the movie. Like many of you, I thought the Jnix eyes were set a bit far back too...then I happened to watch this scene and was fairly well floored.

I'm not saying that the Jnix effort is flawless, particularly with the challenge painting it brings, and the eyes may well be a bit deep still, but see what you think of this. The shots of the RIGHT profile are particularly reminiscent of the Jnix head:

Yeah his eyes are set pretty far back (and Hamill just generally has a very weird looking profile), but it still looks to me like Jnix pushed them a bit too far back. Much like he made the eyes just a touch too big.

Here's a quick manip I did in paint, since I was bored. :p

luke (800x496).jpg
Yeah, good point QGF - he does have a somewhat weird profile. Nice manip too, dj.

It's funny that people make such a big deal out of the blue milk yet ignore the fact that they appear to be eating sand of various colors out of dog bowls.:lol

Luke's hair also looks like spun gold in that scene. Maybe HT's copper/brass paint on the hair isn't too far off either.
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I thought the Jnix eyes were set a bit far back too...

I think more than the eyes, it's the 'American werewolf' look someone posted way back. His jaw, mouth, and nose are too far forward.

Very easy to see here:


Sigh.....maybe someone will get this right.
In the movie clip, the Right profile shots compare most favorably to the Jnix sculpt. Likely due to the camera angle the happened to have set up when they shot Luke from that side. I'd love to see some of the comparisons above using a screen grab from that side...
That was me, and I got slated for it at the time!! Oh how things have changed - now everyone's saying it!! :slap

I didn't criticize too strongly because I wanted to receive my Han head first :lol

It's not "bad", but it's not in the league of the Solo sculpt.....obviously.
I know this figure has it's likeness issues but the detail is pretty stunning on it. Just messing around with some shots using Jazz's new detolf backdrop.


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