Super Freak
So are we getting Luke this side of Christmas or not?
So are we getting Luke this side of Christmas or not?
The Hot Toys facebook post seems to suggest that Luke will be here in time for Christmas but without them saying anything specific it is still up in the air. Fingers crossed that I find Luke under my tree though!
Did they post something beyond coming soon teaser?
Would you say the Bane is the worst villain of the last 10 years?
I'm hoping to order Luke with the new monthly code, once released.
I'm waiting for that code for the more expensive Chewie. Miami Beach, I wouldn't risk waiting too long for Luke cause it can go to reg at any time. I just hope Hot Toys doesn't dupe us with the Cockpit cause I want it to put these figures in.
I hope that cockpit is a definite reality but you can never tell with Hot Toys, cause we're still waiting for the 66 Batmobile and that's like still up in the air.
It's SW. I wouldn't worry about HT not producing it.
Yes, the popularity of Star Wars does help in our favor. I don't really care too much about the tie-fighter but if they make it and an X-wing fighter that would be a huge bonus.