You can always work on customizing the extra sculpt so that it looks like TaliBane's signature pic... 

Love his bra!
Hadn't seen this picture before.
I think it's a manzire. Did they have to tape down his ****s too?
After the breast-reduction surgery
Personally I was glad to sell mine for $450 as I more than broke even (including shipping, taxes, etc) and there were a couple nitpicks I had with the figures. Still a really awesome set but I'm sure we'll see a better Bespin Luke sometime down the road. Would rather sell the set off early and not take a loss on it.It's a tough one for sure. I think I'll be selling my DX07 for ANH Luke and have a little dough left over to put towards Leia, who I think turned out the best as far as likeness goes. I never thought I'd sell my DX07 but I need money for ANH Luke and he'd go better with what is now an almost all ANH SW collection.
What do you the likelihood is that we receive this from sideshow before Christmas? My preorder will be a gift for my brother if it gets here on time but if not I might need to come up with another gift.