1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

No love for Adam West from Affleck?:lol That being said, I, too, am excited for this one. I've waited years, and I like the prototype quite a bit, so, I'm hoping this is something special.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

No love for Adam West from Affleck?:lol That being said, I, too, am excited for this one. I've waited years, and I like the prototype quite a bit, so, I'm hoping this is something special.

Oh, I don't know actually. I don't have the west figure so it's not one I brought along. I only brought the nolan(and a couple others) because we where talking on set and in the prop department about how figures and collectibles have changed in the last 40 years. I made an off hand comment that most people that are not avid collectors or fans of the character (any character not a specific one) often can't tell the difference between some figures and statues then the real person. A few people where skeptical. Ben and Henry where there for some work on wardrobe stuff and over heard. I pulled up a few photos I had of some of my figures to show them all. Funny enough, Ben got my hot toys MOS photo wrong. Said it was a real photo or screen grab. When it was the figure. Even better Henry was standing right there. Lol good times. Anyway, after another few minutes of talking I said I'd bring in a few figures. But I couldn't talk either guy into posing with a figure. Lol well not one I could show anyway. But I do think Gal would do a few funny pics if they make a good WW figure. She likes to do that type of stuff. Anyway..If I get the 66 bats I'll bring it along and see if Ben has anything to say. I know from talking to him and hearing the interviews and all that stuff he does have a high respect for west. Doing batman in an age when comics where seen as girly man stuff. I bet he would get a kick out of the figure.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

Yeah, the West figure is fantastic. I just got mine the other day, and it's one of the best Batmen HT have ever done, and I'd go as far as to say he's tied with Keaton for THE Best in 1/6th. As far as Batman V. Superman goes, though, I'm kind of in a sort of limbo, when it comes to collecting. The notion of a whole DC Universe on film sort of jeapordizes the whole notion of an "end" to my collection, so, while the DC fanboy part of me desperately wants them all to succeed, the toy collector part of me is like...

The costume designs look superb, so, providing that HT is able to replicate that (which I don't see why they wouldn't), the only remaining factor is "will it be a good movie?" If it was just Batman V. Superman, I'd be totally cool with it, but it's when you throw in the Justice League, Suicide Squad, and whatever else they're planning, that a little bit of pee comes out of me.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

As far as Arkham Batman goes, though, it's kind of complicated. I, personally, don't have some of the issues that others have, and, as a release, I think he looks amazing, but I think that one of the dangers of taking so long on something like this is that it builds, perhaps, unrealistic expectations. I'm a devoted Arkham fanboy, and I've played those games so many times that I know every one of the gadgets and weapons by heart, so, while he's a solid release, the one I had in my mind was so much more elaborate.

That's of no fault to Hot Toys, but, like I said, when you wait as long as we did, your imagination gets the best of you. Alternate LED-lit "detective mode" heads, cryptographic sequencers with little, clear plastic holograms like the Predator figures, sonic batarangs, the REC, freeze grenades, and so on, and so forth are some of the many things I was expecting.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

Yea I can see wanting those things. And the delay does add pressure. But once a figure is announced that's pretty much all you can/should expect to be included.

For a figure like this that will not be a major player in sales...it's not going to come close to the top ten in sales, to keep prices relatively equal something has got to give. So it's things like extra heads and what not. The best anyone can hope for is that it sells well and then maybe they do another one. Or accessory pack. It's why we are spoiled as iron man fans. Becuase people buy them. It's not a conspiracy or anything crazy. It sells great. They are a business. They make more items that sell well. If none of the figures sold better then the others then the lineup would never expand. They couldn't afford the risk. But because some figures sell really well they can take a chance with a figure like this. It's never going to be perfect a system. But it is not bad. I think hot toys does a great job given everything they deal with and face
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

I always thought it might be a good decision, financially, to do an Arkham Asylum figure (if they have the license). They can put all the money they spent on R&D for this figure to good use by reusing the same base, and they'd only have to create a few new accessories, and, perhaps, a different faceplate, for variety's sake. The differences on the suit are minimal enough that it wouldn't require a great deal of modification (the symbol, belt, boots, and gauntlets are pretty much it). Maybe do an alternate blue color scheme for the cape and cowl, and they've got 2/3 of the (Rocksteady) Arkham Trilogy covered.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

I wonder the what the scale of bvs will be
1/6 outside of a 5 figures( two that have yet to release) hot toys only does 1/6 scale figures.

And things work a bit different when you have newer popular characters that get retail figures too. The number of licenses goes way up. So I don't think hot toys will do much more then 1/6 scale till after the films have been out for awhile. And even then if they do any others it won't be many.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

Cancelled preorder a while back. Will wait and see if ht's fixes him. Since no exclusive I feel I can wait closer to release date or after.

I did the same. Since no exclusive, plenty of time to wait till finished product comes out.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

Delayed till summer. According to a member on OSR that spoke with SSC the delay is due to port strike.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

Delayed till summer. According to a member on OSR that spoke with SSC the delay is due to port strike.

Yea my flex was pushed out to the end of June

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

Got the same notice. The dock issue is probably at least partly influencing this.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

Thats what SSC has said the cause of delays for other figures, the dock issue. They're just planning for the worst.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

Well hopefully this gives em time to tailor that fatsuit a little bit.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

The figure its still on time on HK the delay is for SSC costumers since the LA port are shut. I think that sideshow is preparing for the worst after this figure releases.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

I have this pre-ordered through a Japanese retailer. It's still on schedule for an end of February early March release.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

I really hope we see in hand pictures of this figure soon because my entire wanting of this figure is based on how the final product looks.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure (Specs + Pi

Got another email from sideshow...strange. Essentially the same as before. But saying bumped from April to May-June