1/6 Hot Toys - VGM18 - Batman: Arkham City: Batman Collectible Figure

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Hot toys can do anything anyone else can in 1/6, and do it better. They are the top companies as far as quality, craftsmanship, and production is concerned. If sideshow can do it hot toys can.

I don't think they will though. With the bats still not sold out after this long, I don't see why they would commit the resources. Not when there's a new joker coming out soon in movies. And a whole new DC universe to pull from in a year.

I would like them to make it though. I'd buy it. I've had Arkham batman in order since I knew about it. I think he looks great. Till DoJ figures drop this one will be in the display with my MoS superman.

Wouldn't it be more of a waste to let it sit there after having devoted the resources and R&D to making what, as of two years ago, was like a 90% complete prototype? Also, I wouldn't necessarily let pre-orders dictate the success of the Arkham Batman. An all rubber suit is reason enough for caution, with HT's hit and miss track record, throughout the years, and I'm confident that, if the final product turns out as good as the prototype (hopefully, better, in some respects), sales will be alright, for the most part. Particularly, if it hits around the same time as Arkham Knight, while the franchise is everywhere.
The body of joker is very comic reference tall and very thin, sideshow very good making it since it was scuplted, if ht will make one they need to make new ttm just for the joker. I thinks very wise if ht cancel joker, very time consuming and the sales will not going very well. Too bad Hamill is my fav joker
The new DC films will get the shaft. Superman and Batman. All you'll see from Suicide Squad is Harley and Joker. Marvel owns HT now.
I'm still holding out a small sliver of hope we will get a suit more like MOS Superman. I mean, look at the last Spider-Man figure.
Wouldn't it be more of a waste to let it sit there after having devoted the resources and R&D to making what, as of two years ago, was like a 90% complete prototype? Also, I wouldn't necessarily let pre-orders dictate the success of the Arkham Batman. An all rubber suit is reason enough for caution, with HT's hit and miss track record, throughout the years, and I'm confident that, if the final product turns out as good as the prototype (hopefully, better, in some respects), sales will be alright, for the most part. Particularly, if it hits around the same time as Arkham Knight, while the franchise is everywhere.

It would be a lost money on the proto, but that doesn't mean they will make the figure. Or any indication either way. Look at PI. 50 protos every year that don't make it to market. To keep the license active they have to demonstrate attempted progress to the holder of the IP. It's so company's cant just buy the license and sit on it. The loop hole is making the proto with no intent to release. But that's another issue.

And preorder sales are what count. That's how a figure is judge. Once it hits market it's often already been discounted at the retail end. Meaning profits for retailers drop off significantlly by that point. All orders are placed and accounted for long before a figure makes it to market. So if it doesn't do well in PO as far as the company is concerned it didn't do well. These are not judge on individual merit, but in comparison to other product offerings by the company. Why continue to spend money on a line that under performs (by in house standards, this is not a judgment of merit or like on my behalf. I've had arkham bats order since jump, and I would do the same to joker) when you can use that money and time and factory space/time on a line that does better or try out another property you think may have potential.

With the new BvS Coming it's also possible Warner will nix this so it doesn't compete with or distract form the many products they want forcthat line and suicide squad. Depending on how the license is worded they may be able to nix it right out, or just with hold approval for the final figure. Either way, they can make it so it never comes to market.

Again-this is just how a business may look at it(and has from my experience) not how I feel. People on here confuse me explaining how things are or may be done...as things I want. That's not the case. And not saying you or anyone specific just making it clear. Lol
I will still keep my po I believe that 89 bat rubber hasnt cracked yet so theres hope, buuuut after seeing gamora QC issues imm worried.
DC films will inevitably get much less from HT than the MCU. Mostly thanks to IM, he must he a dream to collectible and toy makers. They can churn out 45 different armors PLUS variations if they want. For Dawn of Justice they could make a Superman/Clark 2 pack, regular and armored Batman, Wonder Woman, Luthor, and maybe Aquaman... Though they'd probably just wait for the JLA line.
The wait for this figure is excruciating. Rocksteady studios managed to finish making a whole new game faster than it takes to get figure out. I'm less optimistic about the Joker ever being made. :(