1/6th Hot Toys The Last Jedi Poe Dameron

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I agree, there are some great background characters in this expanded universe.

Sadly the diection the 2nd film took after the 1st one didn't really answer anything, just flattened the ST imo.

The First Order aren't really explained as why they are 'bad', other than our established attachment to the OT characters.

Too much politics and agendas sucked any fun out of it. The misplaced and forced humour just grated.

I am as gutted as the next fan that they didn't live up to expectation. I wasn't expecting the OT level of grandeur, but I did expect far better than what has been served up.
“The First Order aren't really explained as why they are 'bad', other than our established attachment to the OT characters.” every Star Wars movie since the beginning of time has had politics be a core focus. What are you talking about? Saving animals from being torture? Yeah that’s just terrible SJW. “I am as gutted as the next fan that they didn't live up to expectation” so it didn’t go exactly like you expected therefore Star Wars is dead.
This. To be honest they should probably separate sequel threads into their own separate folder. At this point the Disney made sequels are their own separate entity anyway. It might make everyone happier, but it might also kill the sequel threads. :dunno
Come one, don’t be hypocritical. It’s all Star Wars, accept it.
Exactly. If people want to extol the qualities of Ackbar, then they should start a speculation thread or post it on one of the wishlist threads. But to go on the Poe thread and bring up Ackbar to bash TLJ is off topic and kind of crappy. Reflexive TLJ bashing is getting pretty old. I’m sure people can exert some restraint and understand that airing their grievances is not appropriate in all situations.
The people who feel the constant need to bash a movie and make others feel ashamed for liking it is getting ridiculous. Always been this way unfortunately, just more evident now
*lines up a basketball shot*

And another one goes into the ignore list...
Life's too short to have to deal with that level of crazy.

Yep, totally. Ignore and get on with more important things in life !

Goodbye Chemicals, I think you've been inhaling a few too many of them.....
Again, if you hate this character, why are you here?

For what it's worth if everyone of your posts was simply reversed to offer a negative perspective on TLJ the exact people who are raging at you would be singing your praises and calling you the Aristotle of the Internet chat threads...good times...
Yep, totally. Ignore and get on with more important things in life !

Goodbye Chemicals, I think you've been inhaling a few too many of them.....
Okay ignore what I said and continue to be salty over a movie. Okay.
Guys can we please end this debate over whether TLJ was good or not? Every time this thread gets bumped I'm hoping to see information about the figure, which I personally want. I don't want to see arguing over Admiral Ackbar. Please can we just stick to the topic and leave anymore arguing at the door?
Guys can we please end this debate over whether TLJ was good or not? Every time this thread gets bumped I'm hoping to see information about the figure, which I personally want. I don't want to see arguing over Admiral Ackbar. Please can we just stick to the topic and leave anymore arguing at the door?

Yes - I totally agree. This thread is for discussion of the figure for Poe Dameron, not a place to critique TLJ or talk about other characters that deserve a Hot Toys figure over Poe. But every time someone (like Chemicals) tries to voice this point, he or she is called crazy and blocked by the haters. Please show some restraint and respect.
How funny it came from "this guy" who constantly bait people into his nonesene gender/political agenda in toys forum :rolleyes:

Respect is earned, not given dude.
I strongly recommend that people use the ignore function on those few who are constantly and consistently annoying, and whose posts here have little content to offer beyond repetitive attacks and insults against 'the other side'. Peace of mind is only a couple of button clicks away.

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