Alamo Drafthouse Posters

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And it's awesome that the Ansin regular print will be a timed release with the option to order it anytime within 3 days. Way to go Mondo.
I prefer the variant but nothing I can do there. I may try but will feel okay if I don't get it because the regular will be a guarantee.
I'll get the metal one the day I get my TDKR Jock variant print. :lol I'm definitely getting the Timed Regular, though.
I like the timed regular edition of the Ansin better than the metal variant. I prefer the vibrant colors, lower price, and it's easier to handle a paper poster than a big sheet of metal.
$300 for a metal version? Jesus... What would the resale on that sucker be?

The timed exclusive sounds righteously insane for D&L to whip up. AND a 72 hour window? Christ on a pony...
And that Ansin design is inspired by the art of Alex Ross.

Yep. I said that immediately when I saw it. To be fair, though, the Alex Ross isn't original, either, though:

Yep. I said that immediately when I saw it. To be fair, though, the Alex Ross isn't original, either, though:
Indeed, both pieces are homage to that cover of Superman #1 and I am glad this poster is connected to it.
Definitely. I love that Mondo is doing an (relatively) open edition for this poster. It's just gorgeous and it's a good sized print, and I love the fact that we don't have to fight tooth and nail for it.
Wow!! Nice surprise to find out about Mondo's MOS releases. I definitely like Taylor's over Ansin's, but honestly they both look great. And again, here's another case where I feel that the regular version looks better than the variant. (Although, I have a feeling that Ansin's metal version will look amazing in person.)
I don't even like superman as a character, but dammit you better believe I am getting this print. I unfortunately sold his IM3 the other day which is beautiful as well :(
Every release should be timed. Then a whole lot more legitimate fans and collectors would score prints and the flippers would be discouraged and wouldn't benefit from immediate paydays anymore.

Of course everyone knows this already and complaining about mondo at this point is about the biggest waste of time and energy there is.

Anyway, that Man of Steel print looks awesome, and it's great they're allowing everyone to get a real shot at one. I'll give them credit for that. Is the metal version really an actual thin sheet of metal?!
Wow!! Nice surprise to find out about Mondo's MOS releases. I definitely like Taylor's over Ansin's, but honestly they both look great. And again, here's another case where I feel that the regular version looks better than the variant. (Although, I have a feeling that Ansin's metal version will look amazing in person.)

Okay...the idea of a metal poster is starting to grow on me....
Can you buy your favorite fellow Supernatural fan one? He only gawt da $ 4 da reg'lar.:monkey1


I was actually tempted to post a plea for someone to help ME.

My luck with Mondo is more 'miss' than 'hit'....pretty much like everyone else.
My luck with Mondo is...

Oh yeah...

**** Mondo!

In all seriousness, I just don't really have the time for it. When there's been a poster I really wanted, I just went to eBay and hoped not to pay too much. In recent times I only have the Dragonslayer, and that was about one year ago. The only other one I've wanted was Taylor's Halloween, and we all know that's not going to happen...