pjam said:What's gong on with this bendy hands issue? Did someone say they weren't? Who said this? Do they have a kit?
I'd like to know...
From HT Product Page:
ALIENS 16" Alien Warrior
Model kit
Product code: MMS38
~ A Movie Masterpiece Series ~
Product description:
- approximate 16" High Fully Articulated Alien Warrior Model Kit
- features the bendable hands, tail and a set of extending set of inner jaws
- simple assembly is required
{Release in 2nd Qtr 2007}
ALIENS TM & © 1986, 2007 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
abake said:Oh, I'm expecting at least one: battle-damaged alien!
Not sure if I'll get more than one though...
figuremasterles said:I only got the inference from one of Facebox's posts, just a few before mine, that the hands were not posable, and thought he or someone had the figure and was informing us as much. Hence his query about the four hands thing. I agree, why two sets if one is a posable?
If I read the inflections in your posts correctly Paul, you are not a "self professed expert on Giger". And I hope your sarcasm wasn't meant to infer that regarding myself, but see, I have studied his art seriously since 1979, when copying his art taught me how to shade, techniques I still use to this day...and his aesthetic is one I did learn to appreciate and love over time, and, I do note the subtle differences in Aliens, as do many, many other FANS, and feel a tad let down by a TOY company that charges over $100 for a figure not worth that anymore to me. So, I express my disdain in what was to me, a safe and open discourse arena.
Plus, you wanna talk about rained on parades...I spent a long time awaiting what I thought would be THE quintesential figure. And it just is not.
But, as you suggest, I am putting my money where my mouth is. Or removing it that is. I just cancelled my figure. No repaint of it is now due from me. No more complaining. You can warm and fuzzy over it all day without me.
This expressed verbal limit on freedom of expression about something I have a dear love for, has made me very irritated. How dare anyone here, tell anyone what to accept! Every day, someone who doesn't accept some headsculpt sends one to me or someone else. Someone, somewhere, wants it more perfect than it was!
That is all I was trying to express. Still. Six months later...
If that is the tone of this area, this ALIENS area, that I should just accept how the namesake figure, AN ALIEN, is not up to par, then why bother posting at all?
Why stay.
I erred in assuming the hands weren't posable. I was not informed enough. For that I apologize. I will not make that mistake again.
I hope you enjoy your figures.
I hope all of you do. I am glad they made them for you.
Forgive my anger, but I am. And I see dissenting opinions are not wanted here. I leave it to you all to resolve and/or enjoy all this then.
I am sorry. I can't help how I feel.
I won't mention this terrible letdown of a figure again. You have my word.
abake said:That alien is absolutely wicked!
EDIT: I was, of course, refering to Dassy's post... although the HT Aliens alien is also wicked!
dekadentdave said:Les my man, I hear your disappointment but you of all people? You have the talent and the expertise to make this figure more than it is, to become something that resembles more of what your Giger impassioned idea should be. Look at the incredible work you did on the Predator Elder! You could apply your brushes to this figure and make it into a masterpiece!
I am disappointed that you are giving up on the challenge. It's not like you Les. You are ALWAYS up for a good challenge to your abilities and I think you could turn your frustrations into an incredible work of art.
It's your choice to cancel but I am disappointed I will not be seeing a Figuremaster Les™ Aliens Warrior repaint anytime soon.
That is very disheartening.![]()
MaulFan said:Pjam, I'm going to do some test images tonight with the AVP warrior to see how the crawlers could work out like we talked about last night.
abake said:Hopefully HT will take all the constructive criticism we sent them to heart and give us the ultimate Giger alien!