1/6 Batman 1989: Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

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Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

I forgot that the interior can be lit as well. That will be amazing.

Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

Regarding the interior light up function, I wonder if they just mean the little red switchboard lights, or if they're going to go full-on Akira with this *****, and light up dem TV screens.

I'm hoping the tv screen is playing Joker beauty product commercials.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

So Batman can send his fist through the screen to shut him up.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics


Only 7 more car payments...and no need for car insurance it comes with machiine gun insurance for those crappy drivers.....
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

I'd really like to get this, it's iconic and would be great with the '89 Keaton figure. I'd have to pass on a few figures to get it.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

i think we need to have time machine to get this early.... can not wait for this beast...
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

Tumbler >>>>> 89 Batmobile

Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

Its certainly a more realistic crime-fighting vehicle.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

That pic of the machine, gives real indication how big this will be.
It will dwarf the Tumbler. Fortunately I have lots of space, but I'm thinking elevated shelving for these vehicles, as I want a Camo tumbler as well.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

As much as I love Nolan's take on Batman more than Burton's (which I also like and respect) NOTHING beats the design of the 89 Batmobile. I mean, just look at it! It's sexy and a beast at the same time. It was the summer of going into 7th grade for me when 89 Batman came out, and I can still draw the Batmobile from memory. It's the perfect design. Like I said, I love the Tumbler, but when I see this Batmobile, that is the definitive Batmobile for me.

Very tempted to get it, but I passed on 89 Batman and Joker, and the completist in me would have to get them and that is just a downward spiral.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

i missed out on the 89 batman and joker is still available, but this i did not pass up on. i doubt getting on the wait list will get me batman since i don't see anyone giving up this masterpiece. joker is nice but having him alone feels wrong. may get the returns batman depending on how that turns out. all that matters at the moment is that this will be mine in 7 months. my friend has the tumbler and i wish i got that but i'll be happy with just this if it's all i get
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

Tumbler >>>>> 89 Batmobile



Bumbler Batmobile

- The Tumbler got taken down by a single rocket (just as bad as the single bullet that took down the Batwing), black tank my ass

- Just because the Tumbler looks like it could be a tough vehicle doesn't mean it is

- The Tumbler is smaller and more compact compared to the BATMOBILE

- Ugly design, looks like a flat surfaced, geometrical dung beetle, bug insect, thing

- Owned by Bane (that ain't a positive)

- Made by Lucius Fox






- Batman hits everything he sees

- Only good scene of it is INTIMIDATION MODE

- Best thing to come out of it was the Batpod (literally)

- Comes in black

- Big ole tumble tires (that take the finish off nice hardwood floors and tables)

- Faster on turns and rooftops

- Modern



- The Batmobile is more like a tank than the Tumbler taking a wide variety of damage such as bullets, bombs and not getting a scratch after plowing through the streets of Gotham

- A nice mix of aesthetics, beauty and practicality, not just one single attribute

- Dwarfs Tumbler

- Armor

- Sleek, aggressive design

- Browning Machine guns

- Shin breakers

- Turbine engine

- Grapple guns

- Built and repaired by Bruce Wayne

- MULTIPLE GREAT SCENES (Axis, Descent into Mystery, Snow Patrol etc)

- Pod missile for quick getaways

- Is black

- Cool tires with intricate hub caps (that also serve a practical purpose of deploying bombs)

- Faster on straight roads

- Classic

If both of these were in a head on collision duel, the Tumbler would jump across the Batmobile. Nobody wins (unless The Batmobile used the turn table thing).

If both were in a weapons duel, the Batmobile would destroy the Tumbler, no contest.

If it were a speed contest, the Batmobile would smoke the Tumbler on a straight course. If it was a complex course full of mazes and turns, the Tumbler would win (though without finesse, probably just plow through the obstacle or jump/fly over the entire course)
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Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics


Bumbler Batmobile

- The Tumbler got taken down by a single rocket (just as bad as the single bullet that took down the Batwing), black tank my ass

- Just because the Tumbler looks like it could be a tough vehicle doesn't mean it is

- The Tumbler is smaller and more compact compared to the BATMOBILE

- Ugly design, looks like a flat surfaced, geometrical dung beetle, bug insect, thing

- Owned by Bane (that ain't a positive)

- Made by Lucius Fox






- Batman hits everything he sees

- Only good scene of it is INTIMIDATION MODE

- Best thing to come out of it was the Batpod (literally)

- Comes in black

- Big ole tumble tires

- Faster on turns and rooftops

- Modern



- The Batmobile is more like a tank than the Tumbler taking a wide variety of damage such as bullets, bombs and not getting a scratch after plowing through the streets of Gotham

- A nice mix of aesthetics, beauty and practicality, not just one single attribute

- Dwarfs Tumbler

- Armor

- Sleek, aggressive design

- Browning Machine guns

- Shin breakers

- Turbine engine

- Grapple guns

- Built and repaired by Bruce Wayne

- MULTIPLE GREAT SCENES (Axis, Descent into Mystery, Snow Patrol etc)

- Pod missile for quick getaways

- Is black

- Cool tires with intricate hub caps (that also serve a practical purpose of deploying bombs

- Faster on straight roads

- Classic

If both of these were in a head on collision duel, the Tumbler would jump across the Batmobile. Nobody wins (unless The Batmobile used the turn table thing).

If both were in a weapons duel, the Batmobile would destroy the Tumbler, no contest.

If it were a speed contest, the Batmobile would smoke the Tumbler on a straight course. If it was a complex course full of mazes and turns, the Tumbler would win (though without finesse, probably just plow through the obstacle or jump/fly over the entire course)

Well the 89 Batmobile never took a direct hit by a rocket, either. If it was made the same as Bats' Batwing it doesn't take much to take it out..I mean really a sngle shot??? Also it has lousy cheap floor board you can punch a gloved hand through!!!!!!!!!:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

The Batmobile took bullet hits though, handguns, pistols and machine guns. If it can take explosions and bombs, surely it could take a rocket. Only the Batwing got ****ed up.

Punching through it was whacked though, you're right. :lol Batman must have been on some serious PCP tranquilizers to able to pull that off (unless of course he simply punched an access panel). That was berserk rage right there. If only he fought Bane. He would have ****ed his mask up with one hit!
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

The Batmobile took bullet hits though, handguns, pistols and machine guns. If it can take explosions and bombs, surely it could take a rocket. Only the Batwing got ****ed up.

Punching through it was whacked though, you're right. :lol Batman must have been on some serious PCP tranquilizers to able to pull that off. That was berserk rage right there. If only he fought Bane. He would have ****ed his mask up with one hit!

Plus Bats must stop posting blueprints of the Batmobile in the public media..how did Oswald have a set of the blueprints????????????:dunno