1/6 Batman 1989: Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

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Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

Who knows. Maybe the Penguin and his technicians had been following the vehicle for months and the blue prints we see are simply rough estimates of what they think are inside the inner workings of the vehicle (all they had to do was replicate the code to sync the device to disable shields). Maybe Gotham required Batman to turn in blue prints for the vehicle to have it registered since they accepted him as their protector.

Or not. Maybe it was just a side plot point to have a scene where Penguin takes control and frame Batman by turning the city against him. Doesn't ruin it's badassery!

Still better than the Tumbler!
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

This thread is geektastic lately. Also 89 batmobile smokes the tumbler.
However if I wanted to try and jump a canyon Id try the tumbler:)
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

Plus Bats must stop posting blueprints of the Batmobile in the public media..how did Oswald have a set of the blueprints????????????:dunno

maybe bruce just flush them on the toilet, and oswald get them back :dunno
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

Run the risk of an open figure but having the car without the dude is just wrong in my book.


i don't have the funds to drop that kind of money. i have a flex pay thing going with a local comic shop. had i learned about this place earlier, i would have him. and cheaper too. friend got the tumbler for $370 and i'm getting this for $540. it's a plus they order from sideshow. his tumbler arrived fine so i'm hoping the same for this
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

Uh does it really? Because I don't even have space for the Tumbler. But the batmobile really has a hard time turning. That's gotta be a big plus to the Tumbler.

1989 Batmobile's LONGER, but the Tumbler's WIDER and TALLER. I guess the Furst's was built for speed, thus the more aerodynamic design, but its length makes it as if you're driving a small bus when making a turn -- wide turn thus the need for a grappler on a sharp curve. The Tumbler, of course, is built for more rugged purposes. I can compare the 1989 car to a running shoe for marathons, and the Tumbler to a shoe built for trail running.

Anyway, I'll have a floating shelf 7 feet wide and 2 feet deep for these cars. Only way I could display them in my small room/office. :panic:
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

that's the pic that did it for me
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

That's the thing about Nolan Bats... too practical to stand up next to the supreme iconic imagery of the 89 Bats. I still can't believe how lucky Burton was to have a true artistic genius in Anton Furst on hand.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

well yes 89 and returns did it for me, but i was on the ropes on going for this. after seeing the hot toys tumbler in person though sealed the deal. with all the figures my friend has gotten and is getting he going to miss out on this. he's thought about going for it but he will need a financial miracle. he got nick fury and the tumbler the same day, got gordon and mark 1 2.0, has dx12 and batpod incoming, joker, cap, thor, loki, hulk, bane, catwoman, mark 7, and hot toys 1/4 batman. on top of that he wants to get a case for the tumbler. guess he will just have to admire my 89 like i do his tumbler
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

also this pic among others as well

Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics


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Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

Id have one if they made it.And a Batmissile.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

The thing I love most about this picture is that at first glance it looks like an Hot Wheels gift set and then it suddenly dawns on you that everything there is actually 1/6 scale!!
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

The thing I love most about this picture is that at first glance it looks like an Hot Wheels gift set and then it suddenly dawns on you that everything there is actually 1/6 scale!!

What I love about this picture is how goddamned sexy the '89 looks next to the others. (Even despite the fact that it's rear wheel seems to be coming off!)
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics


Bumbler Batmobile

- The Tumbler got taken down by a single rocket (just as bad as the single bullet that took down the Batwing), black tank my ass

- Just because the Tumbler looks like it could be a tough vehicle doesn't mean it is

- The Tumbler is smaller and more compact compared to the BATMOBILE

- Ugly design, looks like a flat surfaced, geometrical dung beetle, bug insect, thing

- Owned by Bane (that ain't a positive)

- Made by Lucius Fox






- Batman hits everything he sees

- Only good scene of it is INTIMIDATION MODE

- Best thing to come out of it was the Batpod (literally)

- Comes in black

- Big ole tumble tires (that take the finish off nice hardwood floors and tables)

- Faster on turns and rooftops

- Modern



- The Batmobile is more like a tank than the Tumbler taking a wide variety of damage such as bullets, bombs and not getting a scratch after plowing through the streets of Gotham

- A nice mix of aesthetics, beauty and practicality, not just one single attribute

- Dwarfs Tumbler

- Armor

- Sleek, aggressive design

- Browning Machine guns

- Shin breakers

- Turbine engine

- Grapple guns

- Built and repaired by Bruce Wayne

- MULTIPLE GREAT SCENES (Axis, Descent into Mystery, Snow Patrol etc)

- Pod missile for quick getaways

- Is black

- Cool tires with intricate hub caps (that also serve a practical purpose of deploying bombs)

- Faster on straight roads

- Classic

wow guys, i think we dont have to make some competition over batmobile. both 1989 and the tumbler are amazing, the 1989 very beauty and iconic batmobile and on the other hand there is the tumbler which almost identical with frank miller's batmobile in dark knight returns. so it makes our collection complete and im very glad i'll be having both in my collection.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

The thing I love most about this picture is that at first glance it looks like an Hot Wheels gift set and then it suddenly dawns on you that everything there is actually 1/6 scale!!

You're just saying that because your name is Minimodel. :lol
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989: 1/6th scale Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

- The Tumbler got taken down by a single rocket (just as bad as the single bullet that took down the Batwing), black tank my ass

I've worked around real tanks and armored vehicles for several years (US Army 2002-2006). RPG's are a real threat to real life tanks, and can easily disable a tank in active combat if a tank does not have supporting personnel to protect it. Insurgents disable tanks by firing RPG's at the weakest components of a tank: the tracks, the thinner armor on the sides, and the rear and top of a tank where the armor is thinnest. No one attacks a tank from the front, where the armor is thickest, that would be suicide. lol

You'll notice in TDK, the tumbler wasn't destroyed after the RPG detonation, it was disabled because the rear wheels and turbine were damaged. Same result in actual tanks if they were disabled by RPGs. Tanks in real life aren't invulnerable like in most movies. ;)