the figure for the 3A Associates club?
I would hope the club membership would offer more than just a white version of Noir.
I somewhat worry about the value of the Nom and Noir if they continue to release other variations, not that I plan to resell my Noir anytime soon. BTW, I broke down and bought the SDCC Zombie Killer Bertie yesterday from Ed! My army is now complete...minus the desert Bertie.
Hello all.
Hope you don't mind. I used you as my reference here!
Your in Ga huh? I am in Fla.
Working on plume for my first, berties next.
I have seen the light. 1:6 and statues from here on out.
Nom know's who has been naughty, and who has been nice !... Blanc de Plume, so exclusive even Bambaland wont be selling it !