*BEWARE SPOILERS* Alien: Romulus

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Hasn't it always been? :lol

Wait WHAT?!
Voice-over in Andor S2 trailer "With Erza Bridger's speech, we had a chance to bring the rebels together..."

All I ask is one last bit of SW to enjoy w/o force-feeding us more of Filoni's flaccid baloney. But no.

I really like Andor because it felt like the rebel in all the nonsense coming out of Disney-Lucasfilm. No references, no connections. But no.

But anyways, back to this thread topic... gonna give Romulus another go at the Drive In tonight so I can crank it in my truck and hear the lines.
(Almost deaf here) When see a movie in the theater these days, it's to soak up the visuals til I get a chance to hear it, either by streaming or the Drive In.
Even those that are dissing it have to agree it looks great...
Voice-over in Andor S2 trailer "With Erza Bridger's speech, we had a chance to bring the rebels together..."

All I ask is one last bit of SW to enjoy w/o force-feeding us more of Filoni's flaccid baloney. But no.

Been a while, but I've seen a lot of Giger's art, and there's not much there that recalls his work, IMO.

One of the more disturbing aspects of a lot of his pieces, was the blend of bleak, nightmarish imagery with *beauty* and eroticism (symmetry, elegant lines, sleek, bio-mechanical aesthetic mixed with darkness, predation, parasitism, death). It's what made it very unsettling.

Not all of it, certainly. But if I'm remembering correctly, it wasn't often he made something merely grotesque. His imagery generally carried other elements within it that made your psyche itch in unpleasant ways.

That's an excellent description of his work. His designs just boggled the senses. Looking back at Big Chap, it was truly "alien" - something bold and imaginative. At first glance, it was both captivating yet nightmarishly terrifying; not only in its design, but also in the strange mannerisms of its behavior which complimented its aesthetics.

In comparison, I just don't get a sense of that sort of "dread" when I saw the design of the new "Xenomorph" (or whatever it is in the film). Seems a bit disappointing that it's missing the iconic phallic-shaped head, and any sort of biomechanical features.
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We would never be upset with you crows…opine away!

sometimes it sounds like I'm fighting or like I have an attitude but I never do. its just that tone can't be fixed on online posting. or can't be explained. I'm never upset at anything.

Another Force Awakens?

Get out of here. This film was less derivative than ALIENS was.

I'm just talking about movies that rely on nostalgia. some of them I loved.

I love spiderman no way home. one of the greatest times at the movie theater. it was truly amazing. I was truly lucky to watch it in theaters. it was beautiful

(I guess that's how people feel about Deadpool wolverine.)

force awakens I didn't hate. it gave me hope for the future at that time. I actually felt hope for a good trilogy. which the last Jedi complete destroyed.

Ghostbusters afterlife I truly hated. I truly really hated it. just awful.

Jurassic world was really cool. really amazing visuals. amazing set up. kinda crappy plot. kind of dumb.
big white dinosaur that was too smart.

this alien movie feels like Jurassic world In that the sets and creatures are amazing but the plot is dumb. i liked it. it was fun.

all of these relied heavily on nostalgia. and relied on callbacks. some of them worked. some of them did not.
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This is a Khev-bot or something? What have you done with Khev, Disney!?

j/k.... I'm actually not surprised you liked this.
I remember back in the day constantly reading people saying that ALIENS was just beat for beat ALIEN but with each gag ratcheted up to 11 to the delight of the mouthbreathers in the audience so if people aren't into this new one then it's nothing new I guess. :)

Not that this movie is on ALIENS' level of course. And yes I noticed some "familiar" bits, but what stuck out to me the most was how it kind of redid sequences from Alien: Resurrection and Prometheus/Covenant, but (IMO) properly this time. To me Prometheus and Covenant don't "count" so the Engineer-type likeness on the hybrid alien and references to the black goo didn't get me riled up. Could I have done without them? Of course, but I think if this film had come out in a vacuum (no pun intended) and say was the actual third movie back in the 90's I'm sure I would have thought those bits were cool or creepy.

But if the taint of the recent movies is baggage that can't be shaken then I could see those reminders being a dealbreaker.

There was definitely nothing in this film that came anywhere close to the disappointment of having Hicks and Newt killed off in the opening credits of A3 and I still like that film to this day.

Oh and going back to The Force Awakens I do admit to kind of rolling my eyes at yet another "white girl with British black guy" duo. Okay after TFA and Fallout apparently that's just an ongoing "thing" now. :lol (But I really enjoyed Fallout.) Oh the white pulse rifles. I thought those were cool but it is another "TFA-ism" isn't it, lol. At least Ash didn't throw any black goo over his shoulder.
All I ask is one last bit of SW to enjoy w/o force-feeding us more of Filoni's flaccid baloney. But no.

Couldn't agree more. My god, Filoni being elevated to his current position is a good sized part of the reason I had to walk away from Star Wars.
All the horrid Disney projects from the ST to BoBF, Kenobi, Mando season 3 etc etc brought me to the precipice but it was Filoni and ahsoka that pushed me off.
Filoni making a live action series about his precious orange fantasy girl. It's all him.
His animated stuff has so many writers and creators propping him up, including Lucas himself on TCW and Filoni takes all the credit.
On Mandalorian he had Favreau holding his hand. But on Ahsoka, all him. And it's a steaming pile of mediocrity. It's ******* embarrassing.
Then we hear he's head of creative and has his silly pudgy cowboy hat wearing fingers in every Star Wars pie.
Then the fans apparently love Filoni, ensuring he'll be in the role for years.
I just had to quit at that point.

Ahem, back to Àlien.
My concern which is keeping me away, is the black goo and hybrid nonsense. Just can't stand that stuff.
However, the reports of overstuffed fan service and not enough Xenomorphs and the many other complaints are really putting me off ever watching it (the Prometheus crossed with Alien Resurrection ending guarantees I won't see it in theatres but if the rest of the film was favorable I might have watched it on streaming and just switched it off at the silly bit)
Sounds like a disaster from start to finish.
so the problem was the trailer?

this movie is like a new The Force Awakens,
because that was another remember berries extravaganza.

so could you guys have liked this alien movie more if the trailers showed you ash and the other remember berries? just like the force awakens did. lol.

Ghostbusters afterlife

Spider-Man no way home

I'm not saying this movie is great, but this movie follows the exact same set up as force awakens and Jurassic world. and Deadpool wolverine. Ghostbusters afterlife and Spider-Man no way home

this movie is just following in those footsteps.
force awakens was worse than this. it was like a literal remake of a new hope.

( I don't have any attitude towards you guys,
my tone is not towards you guys or anyone in here lol.
I'm not like upset or anything, I'm just posting my silly opinions, I don't mean to sound like I have a tone or attitude.)

but. either nostalgia "remember berries" are bad or not.
because force awakens and Jurassic world and Deadpool made 1 billion with all that nostalgia. yes or yes?
Spider-Man 1 billion.

member? I member
The thing with the fierce awakens and Spider-Man nwh is this.

Characters we haven’t seen in years brought back again and a start to a new sequel trilogy. A new beginning. The box office got lower and lower with each outing.

Nwh was all spidermen meeting on the big screen and fighting various iconic villains. Huge draw.

Deadpool and wolverine was a return to form for many iconic characters and a comic accurate wolverine who was going all out. Also mcu xmen

So it wasn’t all just a nostalgia fest. There was a reason why they made a billion
Oh and going back to The Force Awakens I do admit to kind of rolling my eyes at yet another "white girl with British black guy" duo. Okay after TFA and Fallout apparently that's just an ongoing "thing" now. :lol (But I really enjoyed Fallout.) Oh the white pulse rifles. I thought those were cool but it is another "TFA-ism" isn't it, lol. At least Ash didn't throw any black goo over his shoulder.

And big-eared, broken Ash is a bit like missing-ear, broken clone, Snoke.
You know to Khev’s point Aliens special edition is grossly guilty of doing the same thing that Romulus is rightfully so getting so much hate for and that is the callbacks.

In the special edition Cameron did the slow quiet pan over shots of the Sulaco just like Ridley did to introduce the Nostromo.

Glad it’s not in the theatrical cut of Aliens.

There was no need for it.

Nostromo was a main character.

Sulaco was not.

Removing it allows Aliens to stand on its own as much as possible without the attachment to Ridley.
so the problem was the trailer?

this movie is like a new The Force Awakens,
because that was another remember berries extravaganza.

so could you guys have liked this alien movie more if the trailers showed you ash and the other remember berries? just like the force awakens did. lol.

Ghostbusters afterlife

Spider-Man no way home

I'm not saying this movie is great, but this movie follows the exact same set up as force awakens and Jurassic world. and Deadpool wolverine. Ghostbusters afterlife and Spider-Man no way home

this movie is just following in those footsteps.
force awakens was worse than this. it was like a literal remake of a new hope.

( I don't have any attitude towards you guys,
my tone is not towards you guys or anyone in here lol.
I'm not like upset or anything, I'm just posting my silly opinions, I don't mean to sound like I have a tone or attitude.)

but. either nostalgia "remember berries" are bad or not.
because force awakens and Jurassic world and Deadpool made 1 billion with all that nostalgia. yes or yes?
Spider-Man 1 billion.

member? I member
Man I hate to agree with a resurrected crow.....but here we are.
If people want another Alien movie that’s great but remember we (viewers) are now 10 movies ahead (including Romulus) of the characters involved. It’s the same Waiting for the characters to catch up story. If anything ROMULUS makes Prometheus and Covenant (1st half) look better as they took risk to give us something different. Best part of Romulus was the black liquid because the m not 10 movies in with that storyline, I’m right there next to the characters as I have no idea what will happen next. That’s why interesting. Not remember berries that was Romulus.
Girl escapes servitude on yucky planet with robot friend who gets secret-info thumb drive installed and meets an angry jerk in space.

The Force Awakens or Alien: Perfectly Cromulent?