Move to the USA specifically the west coast. Its legal in Oregon, and washington without precriptions, and in California with prescriptions (however everyone has a prescription or can easily get it- I mean almost any medical condition from a sore back to anxiety qualifies). I'd say in some places here its more acceptable then drinking. Lol at the giants world series celebration the aroma is everywhere and cops do nothing. However if they saw you with alcohol in public they would cite you. Also cops don't really cite for pot anymore because of fear of lawsuits since everyone has medical prescriptions. You can smoke in public (although I don't recommend doing this) with prescription, u just can't smoke while driving!
The only reason pot is illegal in most countries or even states is because the government hasn't figured out a good way to tax it, and unlike tobacco its very easy to grow. Therefore government fears people will grow thier own and thus not stand to generate enough tax revune on its sales to justify the potential negative impact it could have on society. This is the only reason the government allows the sale of tobacco products to continue, even though its one of the most deadly substances
Haha sounds like bliss
They did try decriminalising canabis here, from a class b drug, to class c, but decided it was letting people get away with smoking more in public and more drug driving was seen.
Now they are testing on the roadside for drug driving, which is a step forward I think, as I have been so baked in the past I couldn't remember how to work the clutch hahahaha.
I think cannabis has definate benefits for people who suffer from m.e. and depression but the hybrid strands that are being grown here, are very strong and can be as strong as class a drugs.
If the government did regulate it, it could see a more mellow population and not so many charged up nutters.
People will always do too much or mix drugs and drink but some control is needed.
Get this.
A house 5 doors away from my mums was raided last week and they had only rented the whole property to run as a cannabis farm.
They had vented from the ground floor to the upper floor by making extensive holes and the property was trashed.
They'd also bypassed the electric meter and this was probabley the tip off that caused the police to raid, with the high consumption of electric for the lamps and fans.
This is a big business and can net hundreds of thousands from one property like this.
I wasn't there when they raided but apparently they took several vanfulls away.
If I was still smoking I would have wept to know it was so close and being taken away to be destroyed.
I just want to say that this statement makes me angry.
For some. Not all.
But overall I agree with you. It's ridiculous that one is legal - and even socially encouraged - and one is not. And prohibition, the "war on drugs", etc. has proven that making marijuana illegal is one huge failure.
And of course, we're not even taking into account the vast amount of completely legal, over-the-counter and prescription drugs that have some pretty terrifying side effects... How many people die from drug overdoses again? Uh-huh... and how many from "legal" drugs vice marijuana? (Heck, I'd even wager to say it's higher each year than overdoses of heroine, meth, etc...)
Glad to see Trailer Park Boys fans in the UK.
Big love for the trailer park boys, they make me cry with laughter.
Yeah the legal drugs are scarier than the illegal ones it is true.
People can get addicted to legal uppers and downers and then get treated with more drugs to straighten them out.

Makes me laugh though when you go to a supermarket they limit how many paracetamol you buy, only allowing two packs of 16 per customer.
Talk about getting things backwards.
I know its to stop overdosing but come on if you wanted to buy a crate of whisky and down the lot they wouldn't stop you buying that would they?