Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019

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Because ScarJo is *so* expressive as Black Widow. :cuckoo:

Considering Captain Marvel is portrayed as a chick with amnesia fighting aliens I fail to see the problem with her looking confused and/or concerned.

:exactly: :lecture

i hate that stupid head-tilt she does it's so annoying!!!

I like it lol

Vault Boy's obsession with exposing women in Hollywood as "feminists" kind of reminds me of Eugene Levy's character in "Splash."



I refuse to waste a second of my life devoted to that obsession because while I sit back and relax Asia Argento and Rose McGowan are doing all the work for me as they expose their own destructive asinine hypocrisy and make fool of themselves and their Hollywood #metoo movement.

Sure are there women being abused out there absolutely but many are just on a money train to the bank with their lawyers.

I’m certainly not going to let that stuff ruin movies for me.

Luke > Getting Upset Over Holdo or Rose

I liked Splash on release and haven’t seen it since then does it hold up?

Who cares, it’s just a trailer

This and a good teaser one at that.

I am sooo stoked for this and IW2!
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The first feminist message spotted. In the trailer, the A and the O are shaded in the phrase "a hero" to highlight the word "her".

Oh thank God there is someone out there to 'spot' that for us. We had never noticed.

Or rather given a *****.
I'd never heard of Captain Marvel before the MCU, and this trailer fails to pique my curiosity...

I think I'm slowly really getting Superhero fatigue.
Who knows, might be a cool movie.

So what's this I hear about her cat being called Chewie in the comics, and apparently being renamed Goose in the movie? From Star Wars fan to Top Gun fan?
Yes because Sarah Connor and Ripley were so full of laughs and smiles in their movies. :lol

Are men so insecure now that even a large nose or a serious face causes a meltdown!

Holy crap fellas get a grip it’s like someone needs to shake your shoulders and slap your faces just to snap you out of the hysteria lol

what do ripley and sarah connor have to do with a movie featuring a marvel super heroine, they aint even in the same genre let alone freakin sport.. I mean sure the casting would be fine if she was actually playing the new ripley for aliens 2043 or sara connor in terminator 3000. why not cast Dutch as the new superman, he can chew on cigars and blast everyone to hell with his m16
Who cares, it’s just a trailer


This looks like absolute ****

SJW says the trailer is sexist because Captain Marvel has less words than Sam Jackson. She assures us that she really did sit there and the count them.

Hollywood stars are finally getting their life wish to come true to stay young looking forever.

The digital fountain of youth no need to go under the knife.
I don’t think they could pull it off believably with an actor or actress with an age difference of say William Shatner present day to what he looked like in the first season of Star Trek. They’ve got to be in a certain range for a believable digital nip and tuck. The holy grail is of course resurrection of deceased stars and restoring them to their prime. Bogart circa 1941 to be utilized in say a sequel to Casablanca. We will get to that point but it’s still a ways off. The voice of course is another problem to be solved but not out of the realm of plausibility. It seems an easier problem to overcome than the likeness would be.