It's accurate enough for me--( there are things that're a little different - but it doesn't bother me) and I'm pretty picky...
As it is, there's not much in the way of accuracy when it comes to a lot of licensed Vaders...there's some really awesome individually assembled lifesized sets that're pretty cool, but not a lot of llcensed items...the closest in size to this is the SS PF Vader or the Reds 3' vinyl, and neither are any more accurate than this one. So this is probably the most accurate in it's category --
unless SS one-ups them with either their 1/4 or 1/2 scale figures!!
We shall see =P
Regarding the height of the helmet / dome etc
-- sorry I accidentally edited down the old post:
Here's a genuine / accurate ESB...a charity auction piece from LFL...signed by GL
notice the helmet is actually seated beneath the shoulder armour, like in some ANH and ESB shots but still higher than what we normally see as depicted in the shots below.
(neck is usually over and lower in front of the breastplate)
notice that the cape at the shoulders seem to BUMP UP to the back of the neck...attempt to conceal the lack of covering there? But it definitely closes the gap...
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