The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)
Why didn't Harley escape after the squad won the battle?
Why didn't Harley escape after the squad won the battle?
Why didn't Harley escape after the squad won the battle?
Why didn't Harley escape after the squad won the battle?
you know what they say about the crazy ones...
Contained the same exact way amazing spiderman 1 and ninja turtles.... generic as hell.
Why does a powerful magical witch with supernatural powers needs a macine... her speech of "humanity worshipping technology so ill create a machine to destroy them" was very cliche villain genetic revenge argument..... she has knowledge and powers that are thousands of years old. She could kill each suicide squad member in a second.
Not only was the ending extremely genetic as far as action movies go ( maybe not superhero movies) but it made absolutely no sense in context with her character. Why not kill waller as soon as her brother gave her more power?
Every action movie like mission impossible or stuff like that always has some kind of bomb or virus thats going to create damage.
Sure its different than avengers or man of steel, but its genetic action movie wise.
well every action movie needs a climax, regardless of what genre of action. so yes, i agree with your post. but knocking points for being "unoriginal" isn't fair by that logic, if every action movie has the same-ish stakes for its finale.
it just felt lighter, like it wasn't throwing the stakes in your face like "the waterline is gonna blow and whipe out the entire city!" or "we need to close that PORTAL!"
they had a rouge member of the squad that they were tasked to take down, that's it. i think that's why i like it, it's simple. plus i really liked that enchantress was like "hey come fight with me" instead of the typical "you'll never stop me!" mustache twisting villain.
just my 2 pennies tho.
well every action movie needs a climax, regardless of what genre of action. so yes, i agree with your post. but knocking points for being "unoriginal" isn't fair by that logic, if every action movie has the same-ish stakes for its finale.
it just felt lighter, like it wasn't throwing the stakes in your face like "the waterline is gonna blow and whipe out the entire city!" or "we need to close that PORTAL!"
they had a rouge member of the squad that they were tasked to take down, that's it. i think that's why i like it, it's simple. plus i really liked that enchantress was like "hey come fight with me" instead of the typical "you'll never stop me!" mustache twisting villain.
just my 2 pennies tho.
Why didn't Harley escape after the squad won the battle?
They make their moms freak?
you got 2 pennies and 4 nuts!?![]()
is not about knocking points for being "unoriginal"
is just how disappointing something was, Its more about hoe Enchantress feels wasted, it is not even about attacking the movie but this plan of the villain could have been done by anyone. even by a regular human. look at Ninja turtles, there was no magic involved and it was the same conclusion.
She really wanted that coffee machine...
Plus she thought the Joker was dead.
From that POV, there is a difference, I will agree. But it's insignifigant in the grand scheme of things. I reckon if the SKWAD was sent in earlier we would've seen the city in disarray, and not in full-on "apocalypse" mode.
As for Waller, well, I don't think you can classify her as a villain, considering the very protagonists were villains. Sure, she was manipulative and a Grade-A ***** (what with killing her own operatives and all in that building scene before Harley escapes), but that was her job. She's a slightly more amoral Nick Fury, movie wise. In the books, while Waller is ever more of a hard-ass, she doesn't reach the heights of Nicky *******ry, especially Ultimate Nick's. The guy boned his wife's friends and family within a week. Not to mention that time he got into bed with real terrorists.
Thanks a ton!
Sorry bud, didn't see this post.
I would have really loved to the city in disarray, that would have been a cool scene to see if the skwad would help, or just be like "**** it, I got a mission to do."
As for the comparisons between Waller and Fury, I think that's a little bit of apples and oranges, there are similarities but Waller is definitely working towards her own agenda. Where Nick is truly trying to do the best for his planet. (speaking in movie terms here, I'm not too familiar with Marvel books, DC guy here.)
they're similar roles, but almost opposite intentions.
More often than not though, Waller's agenda is saving the world/the US, so it's kinda the same. I'd say that Fury is a bigger bastard but a better person, whereas Waller might be more of a hardass. I just never saw her as "evil", just as morally questionable, but all that comes with the job.
So it's gonna be "White Phillip" this time around" WHITEWASHING!!111!!!1111
I agree it's similar, it's the approaches that are different as you've said.
Nick would just be persistent or bring heroes in for other things (like Bruce Banner in The Avengers) knowing what he was doing would eventually become what he wanted. Where as Waller literally forced the skwad into it by not giving them a choice and putting a bomb in their neck. But I think her not being strictly "evil" and just walk that grey line does in a way make her the villain. at least in this story. she's the "government bad guy" to our "good guy skwad" full of actual villains. if it wasn't for her they wouldn't be in the mess they are, just fulfilling their sentences at belle reeve.
Which in a way I think was Ayer's most prominent theme. Heroes and villains are essentially the same thing, it just depends what their agenda is, and what they truly believe is the right thing to do.
That's actually pretty tame for someone like Fury. When one of his agents, who was involved with his protege, was blackmailed by HYDRA to reveal some of his plans, Fury, while knowing all the story, killed him in cold blood and then lied to the rest of the team. He began a war on Latveria which got Luke Cage almost killed, and then he wiped the minds of Cap, Spider-Man and Daredevil. He's been killing monsters and aliens since the 40s, including the Watcher, while also creating an LMD of his best friend and lying to him. He went all-Rambo on SHIELD agents who kept working for HAMMER after Osborn became Director, just because he didn't consider it ethical. He got his son killed to get to Strucker. And that's only the 616 stuff. Sure, Waller might be more "villainous" at the surface, but Fury is one big bastard.
Like I said, I haven't read much Marvel stuff so most of the things I've been introduced to have been through the MCU. But I see what you're saying here. Waller is more like "i got my country's back, no matter what the cost is" where Fury is "yeah I got my country's back, but if the cost hurts me there's gonna be **** to pay" both walk the line of being hero/villain, Fury is a bastard, Waller is a *****.![]()
he's more like a global Punisher.