Enterbay IP MAN

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Bought HT TTM18 at a very good price. Abit shorter than EB RM-3 body, feel that TTM18 is lighter and I really like the articulation of it. I need to use a hairdryer to blow at the neck joint before I can manage to push it in and sit properly.

The height of TTM18 is about the same as TTM14, I have compare it side by side.


I feel the TTM is good height. Enterbay's RM4's are too tall and Donnie Yen is not really a tall person IRL.

Do anybody know where i can get the battle damaged ip man sculpt? Ebay is fresh out. Does anyone have a spare by any change?



anyone? Bueller, bueller? :lecture


Do anybody know where i can get the battle damaged ip man sculpt? Ebay is fresh out. Does anyone have a spare by any change?



Done some bash on my Ip Man. Sharing some photos.
Bash Include :-
1) Enterbay Ip Man Head Sculpt with shorten neck
2) Hot Toys TTM 18 Narrow Shoulder Body
3) Custom White Pants





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Nice pics Mike. Man, now I don't know if I made the right decision by purchasing, what I'm assuming is a resin recast Chen Zhen head sculpt, & passing on an EB Ip Man or Chen Zhen head sculpt. Here is a pic of the head sculpt I received today. The pic is from the Ebay auction, but basically what you see is what you get, so it's a good indication of the product.


It is nice in person, but pretty shiny (like he's sweating or something), the neck colour is different from the face colour, & there is a couple of paint app blemishes on mine. The paint app inside the nostrils is weird. Kinda looks like his nose has soot in it. Paint app quality is not up to EB or HT standards, but still nice. I thought the neck connector thing at the bottom was removable, so I popped it off (came off pretty easily), but it was glued on, & not meant to be removable. Which means I broke it already :lol Easy fix. Although I would rather keep the neck connector off, & dremel (if I had one) a hole at the bottom, since the neck looks a bit long on the TTM & RM bodies, with the neck connector still attached.

Okay, I would like some advice from people with either EB's Ip Man or Chen Zhen figures. I compared various pics I saw of the varoius Donnie Yen head sculpts, & decided on getting this recast/custom/whatever, which cost around $70 on Ebay (around the same price as an Ip Man sculpt on Ebay). I thought it was better. But now, I'm unsure. The Ip Man sculpt on Ebay, is around the same price as this custom. But this auction pic makes it look weird:


& Cosmos's pic kinda makes the Chen Zhen look weird:

I know that angles & lighting can affect the way a head sculpt looks (for example, Mikes Ip Man pics, & a bunch of others in this thread, look better than the Ip Man pic in this post), but that pic makes one pause & think, nah, don't get it. If only I could see all three in person, so I could compare it myself.

What are your guys thoughts? Do you guys think the custom I purchased, doesn't compare to EB's sculpts? & that I should have purchased the Ip Man sculpt instead? Or even the Chen Zhen head sculpt? Thanks.
It's not the lighting or angle on cosmo's pic it's the camera lens and it's proximity to the sculpt that makes it look odd. IMO the Chen sculpt is the better Donnie Yen likeness. I bought ip man for the dummy, cool outfit and for the character, but it's easily the worst high-end sculpt I own.
It's not the lighting or angle on cosmo's pic it's the camera lens and it's proximity to the sculpt that makes it look odd.
Ah, something I should have picked up on, since I too have experienced distorted pics when doing close up pics myself. So you prefer the Chen Zhen sculpt. Thanks. So going solely on the pic of the custom I posted, would you say I made the right choice? Or does the Ip Man sculpt, though the worst high end sculpt you own, still look better than the custom I purchased?