G.I. Joe: Classified 6" figures

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What a day to be a Classified collector!

* Leatherneck YES!
* 60th Anniversary HALO Jumper and Sniper PASS! but cool though


Depending on how well Leatherneck turns out, plus his loadout, he might end up the ideal "squadbuilder" in the hero Classified lineup. The Cobras have alot of options for good army builders, but the Joes, well it's not as rich in opportunity IMHO.

Each release announcement, I'm waiting and hoping for some homage Battle Gear packs. When I was a kid, if you waited long enough, Walgreens would put these on clearance. You could get them for as low as 79 cents each. I remember getting that set above, it had the Scrap Iron missile rack system, which was pretty cool for just a gun pack. Dude, those were the days.

The problem is carded gun sets really don't make much money. They've never sold very well most of the time in our hobby. The margins are very thin on them. But I see so many cool accessories through Classified that I'd love to see on a card pack. I wish 1/12th had true robust third party weapon support, much like Ultimate Soldier gave the entire 1/6th hobby a huge shot in the arm with those carded gun sets.

I think I might order the full maximum of 5 of those Rattlers. I don't typically splurge, but the Rattler is a bit of grail of mine.
They are pushing on the Rattler… price hike… crappy tiers…. And one less figure for a product we will pay for and get 18 months later
Overall pleased with the announcements. I thought the 60th Sniper was an odd choice for the female figure. Pilot, Sailor, Soldier, Marine I would have understood. Sniper just seemed a gender push to me. Maybe its because I am old...IDK. Figure does look good though. I like the look with the cap and shooting glasses.
Still 11 shy but the app has marked the Rattler as funded. Under 24 hours is another huge accomplishment! The last one, the Star Wars cantina, took weeks to hit funding at only 8,000 backers. It’s crazy how much better Joe is selling right now.
I think alot of people are just done with Star Wars. GI Joe is the next best fandom for 80s kids.
Still 11 shy but the app has marked the Rattler as funded. Under 24 hours is another huge accomplishment! The last one, the Star Wars cantina, took weeks to hit funding at only 8,000 backers. It’s crazy how much better Joe is selling right now.
HISS backed in a little over 8 hours but they had the advantage of an earlier launch time.

I see Tier 1 ‘stalling’ to show the disdain for the patches for about a week. Then 2 and 3 should fly by. I expect it fully unlocked in about 2 weeks.
I see Tier 1 ‘stalling’ to show the disdain for the patches for about a week.
Ok, I’m gonna have to eat some crow, it’s almost at 10K right now. People clearly need those patches. I think next year’s Tier #1 will be a set of refrigerator magnets.

This has a legit shot of fully funding faster than the HISS, which I believe was 7-8 days. This thing could finish by Monday.
Overall pleased with the announcements. I thought the 60th Sniper was an odd choice for the female figure. Pilot, Sailor, Soldier, Marine I would have understood. Sniper just seemed a gender push to me. Maybe its because I am old...IDK. Figure does look good though. I like the look with the cap and shooting glasses.
They needed to keep checking the boxes…
I had no doubt the Rattler would fund. It looks great but out of my price range.
I figured out what's bothering me about baby face here, it looks like a Pixar character.

Classified Roadpig Pixar Comp.jpg
They are pushing on the Rattler… price hike… crappy tiers…. And one less figure for a product we will pay for and get 18 months later

I usually don't preorder and I usually don't splurge, but I wanted a Rattler so bad as a kid. So many other kids had them and I just coveted. Yes, the wings do look a bit too short. But sometimes you gotta treat yourself a little bit.

I agree with folks though that the "patches" thing is a bunch of BS as a Tier reward. But my guess is that other collectors are going to see this how I see it now - You are only going to get one shot at this. So you have to make the decision now. So, for example, I can't justify paying 300 plus shipping/tax for a single Hot Toys individual figure anymore, but to me, this is a centerpiece.

But we are each different. Don't get me wrong, I am with you on the sticker shock part. But I'm going to hang one of these MFers right off my ceiling. I'm going to sleep on my living room floor so I can look up and see endless Rattlers killing off Joe parachute guys. God, it will be so glorious. Sorry to gush.

Nothing drives FOMO more than nostalgia. Dude, being an adult, sometimes it just sucks so much. But these little bits of joy from collecting, it salves the wounds some.
I see Tier 1 ‘stalling’ to show the disdain for the patches for about a week. Then 2 and 3 should fly by. I expect it fully unlocked in about 2 weeks.

I may end up just giving away some of my patches in here later. You are right, they are a booby prize kind of reward. I want more guns, more bombs, more missiles, more firepower.

If it was me, and this is just me, to me the best "bonus" Tier reward would be a version of Crazy Legs duct taped to a bomb that can be dropped. Then Wild Weasel would literally duct tape a Joe to a bomb, then drop that bomb right on the Flagg itself.

Too much? :lol

( Actually a repair technician kind of ground crew figure with tool/equipment cart would be a cool chase figure to add in the Tier rewards system, etc,)
Unless we somehow blow through all three tiers this weekend, we won’t see anything else added to the package. The only Haslab that did that was the Sentinel and that was the first one with tiers. We blew through them so quickly they had to come up with something else before the end of the campaign because it was doing too well to not recognize that. Ever since then every Haslab has people wanting more and it just doesn’t happen. Even the Hisstank didn’t get anything else beyond the early bird figure that was secured so fast it was barely a blip in that campaign :lol