Statue Gentle Giant 18" Black Widow - Winter Soldier

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Maybe GG will issue the new base as an add on. I'd buy a shield base one.

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They reworked the gun holsters and there's a few straps that are gloss finished that were matte before. Looks like a ver 1.5 is on the way

So much for the cool kids club.
Damn that's similar to a custom I'm working on! :panic:

Mine is to have stark weapon cases, and a Shield dossier on top with top secret - operation Budapest on it heh.
- I'll be ditching the clear base completely on my in favour of something more asphalt like; tore up section of street perhaps - you get the idea.

I can't help but notice she has a slightly different head sculpt, her gaze is more upward then mine.

Lighting can / will be a factor, but the paint on the gun looks different.
- Very curious indeed!
Almost looks like the headsculpt changed too. Looking slightly up

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed. sculpt is definitely different! The more I look at it and then mine which is a few feet away the more I'm sure.
- Damn 2.0 on the way I guess :panic:
Same sculpt. What they changed is the height of the boxes under her foot, which changes the angle and appearance of the whole figure.
Hmmm, Yeah I guess that could very well be it. Eye paint looked different but something does seem different about the face too me.

View attachment 195620

Overall base seems to accommodate both figures with their new figure specific mini base elements. This might be designed as a dual figure release rather than a separate re-issue of both individually.

Has the WS Cap even shipped yet?
View attachment 195620

Overall base seems to accommodate both figures with their new figure specific mini base elements. This might be designed as a dual figure release rather than a separate re-issue of both individually.

Has the WS Cap even shipped yet?

Was Cap supposed to ship at the end of the month.

Notice how Widow's right foot seems to have a peg. The original release did not and there were complaints that she just "rested" on the clear cubes that supported her.
1/8 scale?

Still sounds cool to me. 1/6 would have been better. I actually like the idea. If they can keep the paint app quality the same (at least on the face), I think they will be nice.

Have to admit, I am breathing a sigh of relief right now. I'm usually not one to get hung up on the ES. But in this case, it is kind of cool being a member of a very exclusive club other people want to join.

I've so rarely experienced that in my life. It leaves a nice tingly sensation in my nethers. :)
Gentle Giant 18" Black Widow - Winter Soldier

Look how big Thanos looks in comparison to Widow. 1/8 scale is looking accurate. I don't think that these are attached to the glass plate at all. Even Iron Patriot is attached to a new base.





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I kinda want to cry a little lol.. was so looking to actually getting one of her in 1/4 (since I refuse to pay 800-900 for it). I could have settled for 1/6.. 1/8.. not so sure.