Hot Toys – MMS132 - Iron Man 2: Mark VI full spec and pics

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Damn it. Just too a peek at my ex from SS and it has a crooked face plate. The 2 regular version from Secret Compass both have crooked face plates also. Damn HT QC. 3 for 3 really sucks.
Damn it. Just too a peek at my ex from SS and it has a crooked face plate. The 2 regular version from Secret Compass both have crooked face plates also. Damn HT QC. 3 for 3 really sucks.

All the faceplates are magnetically attached. Do they just not line up right when seated to the rest of the helmet? You can adjust them.
All the faceplates are magnetically attached. Do they just not line up right when seated to the rest of the helmet? You can adjust them.

Have to check on them in a bit. Thanks for the heads up. I thought only the face reveal head is the only head that has magnetically attached face plate, like the WM.
Should have stayed away from this thread.
Just saw the issues with the missing disks.
I have 2 of this figure 1 exclusive and 1 regular.
I just checked both. The regular has the disk on both arms.
The exclusive is missing the disk on the battle damaged arm. However I was easily able to take the disk off so I could just swap them if needed. This is still very annoying and I am tempted to contact Sideshow about it but they have already mailed out the unbattle damaged shoulder plate the same figure was missing.
Should have stayed away from this thread.
Just saw the issues with the missing disks.
I have 2 of this figure 1 exclusive and 1 regular.
I just checked both. The regular has the disk on both arms.
The exclusive is missing the disk on the battle damaged arm. However I was easily able to take the disk off so I could just swap them if needed. This is still very annoying and I am tempted to contact Sideshow about it but they have already mailed out the unbattle damaged shoulder plate the same figure was missing.

what discs are we talking about? pics?

The disk is located around the shoulder peg. When I first asked about it, no one had noticed yet but it seems to be hit or miss if you have one or not. It does show that it's suppose to have one in the instructions...that's what brought it to my attention when I was swapping it out.

Waiting on SSCs to respond.
Here are some pics of mine. I love photography as well so I went a little crazy with some various lightings on him. I even have one with him posing next to the MK IV figure. Luckily he is problem free with nothing missing.







All the faceplates are magnetically attached. Do they just not line up right when seated to the rest of the helmet? You can adjust them.

Just checked them and you are absolutely correct. Thank you for the heads up. I guess this is a new thing they are doing with the lighted head. Just finished emailing Secret Compass since they are inquiring about the issue for me. Glad I don't have to return the figures.
Mine's getting shipped today bro :) I've got one shipped to UK where I am now studying and 2 back home in Malaysia. The ironic part is my mum got to touch and examine the ones back home whereas I haven't despite my making the order shipped to UK a long time ago xD the piece looks good back home she says with no chest piece issues or anything but she could be wrong since I'm not the one inspecting it :p
Once I get the chance to examine between the 2 back home I'll keep the 'better' one for myself and sell the other. Although I doubt both will have defects since my mum and the Malaysian seller examined it properly before actually selling it.

Sucks though with the regular piece being loose :\ anything you're planning to do about your piece? Glad you're enjoying your piece :D
One shipped to you in the UK and 2 more back home....that's awesome!
I don't think you can go wrong, especially if you plan on opening all of them. You can mix and match to put together the best fitting pieces. But also, there's a chance that all three of your Mk.VI are complete and have good fitment. :yess:

For now, I'm fine with it. I'm not going to display the Mk.VI with the non-BD chest piece. However, if I do need to make a tighter fit, I can always use Super Glue. By applying a little bit of Super Glue at a time, on the two pegs behind the chest piece, you can "build it up", so to speak. This method will make the pegs thicker, thus making them fit tighter into the holes on the chest.
I've got mine boxed and put away right now but I'm about to get him out just to check all these problems. Does that missing disk affect anything? Sorry if this has already been touched on.

It's basically there to cover a gap between the shoulder and the chest that you would otherwise see, especially if you are posing the arms raised in any way.