check out this dio; wrong mark though
(photo is not mine)
It is still awesome looking and a step in the right direction (from my non-picky, laid back perspective).
EDIT: is that a Hasbro fig?
Add Captain America (1st Avenger), Nick Fury.. and Hawkeye and Batman DX12 (both here soon).. with pre-orders: Batpod, Thor, Widow, Cap (Avengers), the Mark VII (x2), Hulk, Loki.
Hmmm.. and a partridge in a pear tree.
Post pics or course
Nah, he's probably not impressed enough to post pictures.
If you don't mind me asking. How did you acomplish this look with the photograph? Filter, etc.? I really like the style of it!
simple mate, i was using nikon d5100 without flash + deorder led multiple color light , choose the color you wanted. then add some filter from this website . i forgot what kind of filter that i was used in that picture , but i believe u'll figure it out , cheer mate
i was trying to take a shot similar to this :
Picked one up for $270. Overpaid or fair price?