Thank you Timo, you should try putting all the photos in a folder and run as a slideshow. It's a cool effect to see the before and after. It might help you decide which decals you want to use and which ones you don't. For a long time while I was waiting for ED, I was thinking about detailing it to make it look strictly like an animation model only. But now that I have in sitting in front of me, and I've learned how many decal images there are, I prefer to mix animation model with life-size prop into one. Some of the original decals are just too nice looking not to have on it. The animation model was kind of naked compared to the life-size prop, regarding decals.
I sent the images to the printer one hour ago; I should have them in about a week.
Great, can´t wait for the outcome.
Are you gonna chance the message from "from alpha centauri with herpes", to!
Even if we´re practically be unable to read anything, it´s good to know that it just says something...appropriate.