1/6 Hot Toys – MMS209 - Iron Man 3: 1/6th scale Tony Stark (The Mechanic}

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This is the email they send me

Dear Ray,

Thank you very much for your patience. We wanted to follow up with you today to confirm that a replacement order, #xxxxxxxx, has been booked for the Tony Stark (Mechanic) Body only. Please allow 7 to 10 business days for your replacement order to ship at no cost to you.

Please make sure your replacement part is undamaged once it arrives. If your replacement is acceptable, please follow the direction below to destroy your damaged part within 5 business days. Once completed, please send us photos of the destroyed piece in reply to this email.

If we do not receive your photos, you may be charged for the extra parts.

Please use care and precaution when destroying an item. We ask that you use a blunt instrument to crush your damaged part. Please place the piece in a cloth bag, pillow case, or heavy duty trash bag to contain any flying debris that result from destroying your piece. DO NOT set fire to your collectible or drop it from a high altitude as this may cause bodily harm to yourself, bystanders, private or public property. We also suggest that you protect yourself by wearing eye protection, as well as proper footwear.

Sideshow Collectibles will not be responsible for any injuries caused by destroying your item, so please make sure you destroy the item in a safe fashion.

I was expecting a plain body in a small box. I guess they do need not the extra clothes for anything or the HS, so it is kind of a bonus.
I also got the boot from the leg armor but not the leg armor so guess whoever stripped mine was in a hurry.
If they did not make us destroy it then everyone would be trying to get a free body by saying the arc reactor does not work

I didn't even expect them to include both arms. :lol

They had me attach the photo to the email that they sent me. The email had all the info that they needed. Faking a broken body would seem to be a real pain in the a$$ just for a free body.

I'm just gonna destroy it completely.
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I wasn't insinuating anything, but I was just pondering that someone else who has a perfectly working figure, could claim theirs was not working, get a replacement, and then ask someone who also had theirs replaced to use pictures of the broken body, like a teamwork scam almost. Take one shot of the broken body, damage it some more, take a new shot, maybe in a new backdrop/location, and then send different pictures since they never asked for any tags of any sort. Yes, it is a lot of trouble, I agree, I wouldn't do it, but I was just wondering if there were some people out there who would think to do something like that and SSC loses out on that. Nevertheless, it was just a thought that came to mind, which was why I asked if they asked you to tag the pictures or maybe show your ID or some sort of reference to differentiate the photos. Didn't mean to bring this topic up. Happy Holidays!
If I accumulate $30 worth of points from sidrshow over the next few days, I'm gonna get this figure!!

As of right now I have accumulated $10
An observation: It's no surprise with the practise of SSC on Hot Toys figures, of destroying them.... and SSC taking replacements from full Box figures, that could be sold otherwise, it's no great surprise that SSC's HT prices has gone up far greater (and no free shipping) than the price in HK (probably minimal 10% increase from 2 years ago)...
Laughing sadly here experiencing the same problems. Right normal arm won't bend whatsoever, the leg armor knee cap piece snapped right off and had to be super glued back on, the chest light worked the first night and didn't turn on the next morning, arm light was dim and I had to tap it to make it bright which is probably just bad batteries but I haven't replaced just yet, and the left trigger hand for the gun is just so awful with either gun in hand. The weapon looks tilted downward so his forearm must be arched to arm straight.
All this aside, I LOVE this figure so it sucks to have so many little problems with it. He is way too cool to complain about but its all true whats happening. I have a feeling my 2014 with start with smashing his body and waiting for replacements. This is my first Hot Toys I've had problems with. Ah well.
Laughing sadly here experiencing the same problems. Right normal arm won't bend whatsoever, the leg armor knee cap piece snapped right off and had to be super glued back on, the chest light worked the first night and didn't turn on the next morning, arm light was dim and I had to tap it to make it bright which is probably just bad batteries but I haven't replaced just yet, and the left trigger hand for the gun is just so awful with either gun in hand. The weapon looks tilted downward so his forearm must be arched to arm straight.
All this aside, I LOVE this figure so it sucks to have so many little problems with it. He is way too cool to complain about but its all true whats happening. I have a feeling my 2014 with start with smashing his body and waiting for replacements. This is my first Hot Toys I've had problems with. Ah well.

Use a blow dryer to warm up the arm, for few seconds and then slowly try to bend the arm. Place your thumb at the inside of the elbow to help pivot.

If you don't want to go through sideshow, just buy a new leg armor off ebay:

heres a buy it now

and an auction

Replace those batteries. I agree about the trigger hand, it does hold the gun slanted. WHat I did was turn the hand peg horizontal and tilted his hand outward so now the gun is pointing forward. Im wondering if the left hand trigger with the Bruce willis Colton figure is the same hand or different. I might try one of those.
Good post Centro you covered everything. :clap

From my experience with Ht figure collecting over the years there's almost always a little something that needs tweaking out of the box. I pretty much expect it at this point and try to embrace it like a puzzle haha!

Whether it be a tight joint, a head sculpt that won't come off or a pain in the arse accessory like the armored boot or loading the Mechanic backpack, it rarely is ever perfection and easy as 1-2-3 unless it's a set with limited parts/accessories.

Try not to let little things like this take the fun out of any set and I think people will enjoy them more.

I would put the malfunctioning arc reactors and dead batteries in another category though, that would annoy me. I hope Hot Toys abandons the LED feature one day in favor of lower retail prices but I don't think it will ever happen...
or they could just have you return the broken one. A return label would not cost them very much.
Yeah I really don't get the whole destroy the figure to bits and send us pictures so we know you did it. Why not just include a return label with the replacement and have us send back the damaged body? Sure it may not work now but they could either salvage it for parts or send it back to Hot Toys to try and have it fixed for use on a future release or something.
^^^ My point exactly. Such a waste to see something like that destroyed, even if it doesn't work. I'm sure there are people who can mod it and make good use of it.
Good post Centro you covered everything. :clap

I would put the malfunctioning arc reactors and dead batteries in another category though, that would annoy me. I hope Hot Toys abandons the LED feature one day in favor of lower retail prices but I don't think it will ever happen...

:exactly: I would be happy with no electronics to cause problems (never use them anyway) but now it looks like they are starting to add sound effects :gah:
That's the same idea I have with the other Tony Stark, make a custom Mechanic Tony,

KO body €22
Outfit €36
KO HS €22
HT Stand €15

Dunno tho as I can get the Mechanic brand new for €150 but then the accessories off the other Tony would be just sitting in a box... decisions.
Right now I have just the Tec9 and the Mk42 arm and leg pieces unused. I was going to use the hud on him when I got the Mk42 and mirror pose the 2 as if he were controlling it but the glasses don't fit well on Mk7 Tony head so I put the hud on him for now. I want to do the aerial pose with the Mk42 arm and leg as well so it's my #2 option sitting in the box right now. I could always put the glove and nail gun in the backpack and put on the arm and leg, but I don't like how I have to scrunch up the hoodie sleeve to fit on the Mk42 arm. It's expanded my sleeve so it's stretched and looser than the other side now.
Yeah kinda sucks with the hoodie and pants that you can't just clip the arm or leg around them instead of trying to smush them.
Lol got my replacement from sideshow, but same problem with arc reactor not turning off. Don't think they even check it before sending it out, the tab was still in place.

I'm not sure what to do now, I can't destroy the old body because the replacement is still not working, but I can't be fussed getting another body from sideshow and have it not work again. That is if they do send replacements twice.
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