Hot Toys –MMS120 - Iron Man 2: War Machine full spec and pics

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A combo of RRAAYY's pics posted on toy-world...



Sweet merciful crap he came out great. and the new and improved Cheadle sculpt is just :clap
I agree, the Cheadle sculpt really is amazing.

The suit looks like plastic is plastic :lol

I joke I joke.......I think it depends on the lighting.

In some pics it looks like metal just fine....for me anyways.
Detail detail detail! Look at all that detail, oh damn! The detail is immense! The sets of 4 photos in one are just gorgeous!
Wow...he really did turn out well. I regretted that I didn't POed him. Hopefully the toyshop here have some extra :)
Freakin awesome, indeed! Man, now I'm seriously thinking about putting another one on pre-order so I can have one displayed at home and the other at my office.
I hope you have good colleagues...

Remember Die Hard 4? :D "was this suppose to come off?"
I can't believe I took 250 pics of WM already :gah:
And not a single action pose, apparently ;)

You're photos are phenomenal and it's great to see some close-ups of the headsculpt. But do you happen to have any showing off the figure's articulation? Thanks so much in advance.
Yeah, he needs to be darker. I'm not saying he needs to look like tar, or be Wesley Snipes black, but damn, that does not look like Cheadle.

And lets be honest, who wants to pose him with that head anyway. WAR MACHINE looks bad a ss with his iconic head.