Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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not that satisfied like with the first one, but next pic:


wished i would have the tumbler to take some real pics with this combo :monkey2

Damn! This looks sweet! Dude get a Tumbler cause I want to see what you can do with it!!


I love my Takara, even though it looks like a toy next to my DX02.

Just make sure they are on different shelves. :)

I picked up the Takara as well as it looks pretty good with a Bruce head and climbing gear setup. The Takara cowl/headsculpt is what makes it really look like a toy!

I'm selling a bare bones, loose one in the Buy/Sell section if you don't need a complete, boxed version.

Better just get this one instead and have the real deal
I picked up the Takara as well as it looks pretty good with a Bruce head and climbing gear setup. The Takara cowl/headsculpt is what makes it really look like a toy!

But it is also what makes this pose possible:


That's why I have it way up on top of the bookcase like that.

Looks very "Batman Begins" there. :)

And it saves me from "needing" a HT OC bats. ;)
Same hight, just skinnier.

One of these days I need to stuff his shirt...

Although he looks best with the wrap around cape look (like I have it now), so it probably doesn't matter.
Love the Takara, but I do agree about the cowl, it really is nice, I just think they could have better job on retaining articulation and having a nicer look to it.

Great shots Mag!
Well, I'm irritated. I received my MMS DX Batman the other day. Naturally I went and pulled out my OC Batman to compare the two and stand them up next to each other.

Before I go crazy here I'll give some background information on how I stored this thing. When I first bought it years back I took it out of the box. Put it on a shelf a bit, posed it, set it up etc. I know how tacky the rubber suits are (I own plenty of figures like this one) so I decided to take it down for a bit and store it with my Takara Batman. It's been well protected on top of it's box with all of it's accessories and such. Of course every now and then I'd take it out and look at how great it was.

So today I pulled it out and noticed there is something REALLY off about this thing. I don't know if I'm imagining that it was somewhat glossy when I first bought it or what but it is definitely more of a matte finish than anything else. I remember a while back I saw pics of this figure along side the then new Hot Toys Tumbler and it looked horrible. It was super grey and didn't match the cowl, hands or gauntlets. I didn't know if it was the flash, mishandling or what. All I knew was that it didn't look like the one I own or any of the hundreds of pics collectors have taken of theirs.

Mine looks like it's in the beginning stages of this. There isn't any dust mind you (like I've said I've been extremely careful with this thing) but it just isn't what it used to be. Calling it "faded" or grey is a bit extreme but it doesn't match the cowl or gauntlets like it used to. It's not ratty or rotting away but it just doesn't feel right. In storage it looks like it somehow managed to get tiny specs of paper or something on it. I mean I've taken it off easily with a careful hand and tweezers but I don't know it's not the same texture anymore.

I've taken a few unflattering pics. A few with the flash, some in natural light. Obviously it looks a HELL of a lot worse in these pictures but you get the general idea. It's like the light doesn't shine off of it like it used too and looks really worn.











So yeah, there it is. I don't know what to think. My Takara Batman that was stored RIGHT next to it and handled the same way still looks and feels like the figure I bought, wow, four years ago. Yet my two year old figure doesn't seem the same. I know the Takara suit was much stronger and durable (made it harder to hold poses) than the OC version but I didn't think that this meant the rubber was better.

I need some help. How is everyone elses? I'm really OCD when it comes to this stuff so this is a major blow for me. Especially when I've taken great care of it and bought it MIB no less. Is there anything wrong with mine? Did this always have a matte finish? Most importantly does the black match the cowl, hands and gauntlets?

As I stated before it's not as bad looking in person but you can tell that it's slightly off. Like a grayish slate black. The rubber feels strong and it isn't ripping anywhere. The rubber is stronger/thicker in different places, mostly in the torso and biceps.

If there is a problem, I'm thinking of selling this guy before it ends up deteriorating. I mean the threat of this happening to the rubber has always been there but I didn't think it would happen this fast. This really upsets me because it's one of my favorite figures in my collection. I love the sculpt, the overall image and the fact that it's valuable isn't all that bad either.

I need something. Support, advice, anything. This really killed my day and I was stoked with the arrival of my MMS DX Batman.
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From the pics, it looks like dust. However, you said it doesn't have any dust on it, so I'm not 100% positive. Other than what looks like dust on it, it looks fine to me from your pics.
Maglor, your room makes me nervous! many potential shelf pets or kids I trust...:)

:lol I have a pet rabbit and that's it!

I made the decision years ago that I would only use stands when absolutely necessary. I fully realize that I increase my chances of a shelf dive, but I have decided the visual impact of a standless display justifies it. Just my opinion of course.

In the 12 or so years I have casually collected 1/6 scale I have had several shelf dives, but only one resulted in damage to a figure. It was Sideshow's babysitter zombie. She has really weak legs and I was trying to pull off a bent ankle pose (like she was draging her foot around). It looked really cool, but it was just stupid to not use a stand for an extreme pose like that (and now I would know better). When she fell both legs poped of at the hips! :horror Thankfully I only paid $14 for her! :D Now I have her posed legless on her belly reaching up as if she were draging her torso around! :lol Looks great! :yess:

I am very carefull with posing. Checking and double checking balance and weight distribution. As long as a figure has reasonably stable joints (if it doesn't there are tricks to fix that) and it's a pose that has 4 points (i.e. 2 heels and 2 toes) making contact with something stable I feel comfortable leaving them that way. :)

Otherwise I will give in and use a stand. In fact I have several with stands in that room right now, just none in that picture.
:lol I have a pet rabbit and that's it!

that's it?



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So today I pulled it out and noticed there is something REALLY off about this thing. I don't know if I'm imagining that it was somewhat glossy when I first bought it or what but it is definitely more of a matte finish than anything else. I remember a while back I saw pics of this figure along side the then new Hot Toys Tumbler and it looked horrible. It was super grey and didn't match the cowl, hands or gauntlets. I didn't know if it was the flash, mishandling or what. All I knew was that it didn't look like the one I own or any of the hundreds of pics collectors have taken of theirs.

Mine looks like it's in the beginning stages of this. There isn't any dust mind you (like I've said I've been extremely careful with this thing) but it just isn't what it used to be. Calling it "faded" or grey is a bit extreme but it doesn't match the cowl or gauntlets like it used to. It's not ratty or rotting away but it just doesn't feel right. In storage it looks like it somehow managed to get tiny specs of paper or something on it. I mean I've taken it off easily with a careful hand and tweezers but I don't know it's not the same texture anymore.
I need something. Support, advice, anything. This really killed my day and I was stoked with the arrival of my MMS DX Batman.

Is it possible that you changed your lighting and lightbulb in the room? I know that the lightsource can greatly impact the colors of a surface without you realizing it.
Maybe look up some of your old flashed pictures and compare as flash tends to be a very specific wavelength but I am sure some more experienced photographers can shine in

Yeah, I'm really thinking it's a lighting thing too.

that's it?



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:lol I love that scene! :yess:
I need something. Support, advice, anything. This really killed my day and I was stoked with the arrival of my MMS DX Batman.

I purchased a used OC Batman and it showed up in a much worse state than what your pics display. Since I had nothing to lose I used some Armor All on it and it greatly improved the appearance.

I eventually sold the body (properly described as damaged) so I don't know how well it held up. I'm sure it would need to be reapplied periodically but it's better than nothing if it continues to discolor.

Here's a pic of the Before -

and After -

Obviously not perfect but a helluva lot better than when I got him.
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Mine has been in a acrylic tube for two years and I have the same thing happening. I always thought it was because I handled and posed it a lot (my first figure) but I've heard of this thing before. Seems like some have had this problem and others have not.
At first I thought I was imagining someone having a really grey/dry Batman suit but I found the pics I remember using the search tool.

These are G'cs. I'm not sure if he posts here anymore but I hope he doesn't mind me posting his pics. Obviously mine isn't this bad but I hope it isn't degrading INTO this.



Is it possible that you changed your lighting and lightbulb in the room? I know that the lightsource can greatly impact the colors of a surface without you realizing it.
Maybe look up some of your old flashed pictures and compare as flash tends to be a very specific wavelength but I am sure some more experienced photographers can shine in

Yeah, I thought about this. It's not as bad as the photos make them out to be and it varies from room to room (from the my room, to the living room to the kitchen etc.). Either way it's still not as shiny as some of the one's I've seen on here. Thrustmaster's for example. Now I'm sure he used some kind of effects on his but I don't think that "shine" on the suit is exaggerated. I'm looking at some of the very first pictures of this from 2008 when people were just getting them and mine doesn't look that way anymore.

If mine is "wrong" it's in between the new looking, shiny suits and the dried out gray rubber. I don't know if my OCD is kicking in and this is how it's supposed to be or what. I'm not sure if I'm overreacting because I did JUST notice this.

Oh and thanks for the information YoNoSe. I remember you posted those pictures awhile ago. It looked much better after the armorall but I don't think I could bring myself to do it. I'm not a huge fan of altering or customizing my figures beyond accessory/easy head swaps. I don't think I could do it.
I purchased a used OC Batman and it showed up in a much worse state than what your pics display. Since I had nothing to lose I used some Armor All on it and it greatly improved the appearance.

I eventually sold the body (properly described as damaged) so I don't know how well it held up. I'm sure it would need to be reapplied periodically but it's better than nothing if it continues to discolor.

Here's a pic of the Before -

and After -

Obviously not perfect but a helluva lot better than when I got him.

OH MY GOODDDD (In a not good way!!)
PLease remove the armourall asap , pronto immediately!!!!!!!
I don't know about all formula from AmourAll but I had used that stuff in my old car forever and eventually degraded the coating in my car interior.... also I used to use it to dress up the engine bay and it ate into my timing belt!!! this stuff is petroleum based and will eat into rubber and plastics and is the worse thing you can do to the material!!! goodle on it and you will see but I had first hand experiences and have never used it again on my new car!!!!! :gah: