Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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Not in the abs.

This makes no sense. Why would it be okay for a figure to leak in the biceps but not the abs? The smaller area means it's more obvious. The oil saturation crinkles the paper in the shoulder armor ruining the simulated texture as well as bloats the rubber underneath, distorting the patterns of the suit itself. The blemish would be just as obvious on the arms as on the abs. And the potential damage is greater when you consider people will be utilizing the articulation in the arms to pose him with his accessories. They're not immobilized like the abs.
I own two DCD batches (hard abs) not one of them has any signs of oil residue or damage. Not one. I've had them since their release too.

One of them had a small, small droplet underneath the right bicep armor on the rubber months ago when I checked. I of course wiped it off.

Since then, absolutely nothing. No cracks, no residue, no leakage, no decal damage. Nothing.

I find it hard to believe (but I still believe it, don't get me wrong) that people had problems with the DCD batch. The only problem I thought it had was the fact that the ab movement was restricted due to the hard plastic torso.
Unfortunately even a few from the DCD batch have had slight leaking in the abs. Strange, but true.

There are so few with this problem that I still consider it unlikely. I think the theory was put forward that they weren't leaking - it was just lubrication from between the body and suit (used to put the suit on the body), which had been applied a bit too liberally. So the leaking wasn't from the material itself, and no damage was done.
This makes no sense. Why would it be okay for a figure to leak in the biceps but not the abs? The smaller area means it's more obvious. The oil saturation crinkles the paper in the shoulder armor ruining the simulated texture as well as bloats the rubber underneath, distorting the patterns of the suit itself. The blemish would be just as obvious on the arms as on the abs. And the potential damage is greater when you consider people will be utilizing the articulation in the arms to pose him with his accessories. They're not immobilized like the abs.

I don't understand what is the point of your post.

The guy was asking how to tell the different batches apart - he obviously is going to want a DX02 that doesn't have leaky abs, he wants to tell the difference between the two types of DX02, and thus the biceps have nothing to do with the issue.

You seem bent on twisting my replies, which were meant to inform him with the answer he's seeking, into a diatribe against the DX02. Is it really so hard for you to answer questions about the DX02 straight-up, without turning it into yet another editorial about how you hate the figure so much?

Can you show me where I said it's "OK" for a figure to leak in the biceps? I did no such thing.

But if you think that both figures leak in the biceps, and only one leaks in the abs, then objectively the one that DOESN'T leak in the abs is the better one, and the one he should be going for (if he decides he wants a DX02 in the first place).

You're trying to make an argument with someone who doesn't really care to argue about this.
I own two DCD batches (hard abs) not one of them has any signs of oil residue or damage. Not one. I've had them since their release too.

Since then, absolutely nothing. No cracks, no residue, no leakage, no decal damage. Nothing.

I find it hard to believe (but I still believe it, don't get me wrong) that people had problems with the DCD batch. The only problem I thought it had was the fact that the ab movement was restricted due to the hard plastic torso.

Same here.

I'm willing to grant that maybe some DCD batches have leaky biceps, based on other user's complaints, but I've seen nothing in my own figures to suggest that. So at worst, it seems like a possible, but not inevitable, scenario.
Haytil, my point is if he's trying to decide which one he wants based on which one is "issue free," neither are. Im guessing he was under the misconception that the DCD batch didn't leak at all. This is incorrect. Both have issues. But this is irrelevant. He's already stated he's selling the OC Bats and waiting for a new release. Or did you miss that part? :huh

I own two DCD batches (hard abs) not one of them has any signs of oil residue or damage. Not one. I've had them since their release too.

One of them had a small, small droplet underneath the right bicep armor on the rubber months ago when I checked. I of course wiped it off.

Since then, absolutely nothing. No cracks, no residue, no leakage, no decal damage. Nothing.

I find it hard to believe (but I still believe it, don't get me wrong) that people had problems with the DCD batch. The only problem I thought it had was the fact that the ab movement was restricted due to the hard plastic torso.

Oxymoron. :nana:
Same, I'm hoping its one of those slight mass produce like Bruce Wayne that is affordable. I wouldnt mind slightly higher if its already painted.
My DCD batch had oil on just one of the biceps, straight outta the box. It was fine for a couple of months with a bit of tissue under the armor, both in and out of storage. Then recently there was oil on the ab and the opposite arm. My take on it is that it's whenever the area is in contact with something else. The belt was unusually high on the figure because it was in storage, ever since I moved it down it hasn't come back, neither has the arm oil with tissue there.

It seems like there's only a few DX Bats figures with no problems. Though it seems inevitable, I thought mine was fine until I saw the oil on the abs.
Same, I'm hoping its one of those slight mass produce like Bruce Wayne that is affordable. I wouldnt mind slightly higher if its already painted.

I'm really REALLY hoping he offers a painted option. It would be a good deal easier than most paint jobs as it's mostly flat black. And it would save us the trouble of finding and shipping to a painter. :pray:
From what I know, the price for this will be a fraction of his usual commission cost

I have no idea what his usual is. I really hope it's not twice the price of a Hot Toys figure. As the thing that threw me off seeing the Bruce Wayne sculpt, it was unpainted... and only $65.

Any idea when orders will be likely due?
His prices are great and he's arguably one of the better sculptors when it comes to Batman related characters.
I have no idea what his usual is. I really hope it's not twice the price of a Hot Toys figure. As the thing that threw me off seeing the Bruce Wayne sculpt, it was unpainted... and only $65.

Any idea when orders will be likely due?

I think the batman head may be a little more than the Wayne and not as widely released, but it's certainly not gonna be twice the amount of a HT fig.

I think two face is gonna go up first imminently, with bats to follow
People just need to remember to mentally add the cost of painting into it when they purchase these sculpts. With Adam releasing so many great sculpts in much greater numbers and at a much more affordable price, I just hope the few really great painters we have here really manage their workload and are thoughtful about what they take on. We've already seen a few customisers/painters get themselves in too deep by promising too much.

For my tastes, the manufactured head is close enough, especially since if I was going to pay $65 for a head I'd want it painted by the best - that's probably another $60 - $80 at least, and that's coming pretty close to what I paid for the whole figure in the first place.
People just need to remember to mentally add the cost of painting into it when they purchase these sculpts. With Adam releasing so many great sculpts in much greater numbers and at a much more affordable price, I just hope the few really great painters we have here really manage their workload and are thoughtful about what they take on. We've already seen a few customisers/painters get themselves in too deep by promising too much.

For my tastes, the manufactured head is close enough, especially since if I was going to pay $65 for a head I'd want it painted by the best - that's probably another $60 - $80 at least, and that's coming pretty close to what I paid for the whole figure in the first place.

Yeah fair enough - at the end of the day it's about whether you are mad enough for accuracy to spend an additional $150 odd on upgrading the figure. I know I am lol.

Regarding a point made earlier about raving about the OC Batman only to replace it's head later, well until Adam sculpted his OC head, the HT OC Batman head was by far the best available of that particular costume, and the overall figure is still a total WIN.

Now that we have seen Adam's and seen it compared to the OC Head, I think it's clear what sculpt is the best available, and I simply want the best and most accurate 1/6 representation on my shelf.
People just need to remember to mentally add the cost of painting into it when they purchase these sculpts. With Adam releasing so many great sculpts in much greater numbers and at a much more affordable price, I just hope the few really great painters we have here really manage their workload and are thoughtful about what they take on. We've already seen a few customisers/painters get themselves in too deep by promising too much.

For my tastes, the manufactured head is close enough, especially since if I was going to pay $65 for a head I'd want it painted by the best - that's probably another $60 - $80 at least, and that's coming pretty close to what I paid for the whole figure in the first place.

Another reason why I REALLY hope Adam offers a painted option. :pray:

In fact, I'm starting to think that if he doesn't I way just buy one of the HT OC heads (for my Takara) that will be available.
I've been wanting to do something with the Bruce head for years now, and nothing has looked right. HT made the portrait a little too small, and with a suit on a figure he simply looked like a pinheaded linebacker. I got a Saturday Toys figure with the black suit, and ended up using the figure for my SS Indy. After trying the head on bucks from SS, HT, Sat Toys, and Medi, I was resigned to not having a Bruce Wayne figure using this head sculpt and clothes combo. Earlier tonight I tried something different. Digging through my parts bin, I grabbed an Ultimate Soldier buck I got from Monkey Depot for $0.99. After some Dremel work and adding some good hands, here's what I came up with:



It's not perfect, but I'm happy for now.
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