Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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Damn hot toys, and damn all of you guys who have this figure and took awesome pictures of it...

I was gonna hold off on it, i was gonna skip it, stick to my v.1 batman, and just get joker and tdk suit, but addiction/desperation set in and now i've went and BIN'd one of these from abc express... sigh.
Damn hot toys, and damn all of you guys who have this figure and took awesome pictures of it...

I was gonna hold off on it, i was gonna skip it, stick to my v.1 batman, and just get joker and tdk suit, but addiction/desperation set in and now i've went and BIN'd one of these from abc express... sigh.

Yup yup..

Let me tell you how awesome it is...

many who have it are so afraid to pose it and are white gloving the thing as if it's going to melt (well, it might in the hot sun) and i'm all for that believe me BUT let me tell you everyone reading who are afraid...

I have posed and bent the crap out of it, no joke, and it still retains it's awesome look when it's back to the normal pose everyone uses...

That bad boy is strong!

Always give into your urges when they're that strong or else you'll regret it only live once and when you're gone, you ain't taking him with you so enjoy it while you can....!!!

Hope that makes your purchase feel better...
Yup yup..

Let me tell you how awesome it is...

many who have it are so afraid to pose it and are white gloving the thing as if it's going to melt (well, it might in the hot sun) and i'm all for that believe me BUT let me tell you everyone reading who are afraid...

I have posed and bent the crap out of it, no joke, and it still retains it's awesome look when it's back to the normal pose everyone uses...

That bad boy is strong!

Always give into your urges when they're that strong or else you'll regret it only live once and when you're gone, you ain't taking him with you so enjoy it while you can....!!!

Hope that makes your purchase feel better...
Agreed, the thing I most worry about is the hands. Maybe it's just mine but they are a huge pain to swap out. I had to resort to using pliers and a lot of force to get the joint out. I could see the joint succumbing to the strain a bit, I'm afraid to try switching again.
Agreed, the thing I most worry about is the hands. Maybe it's just mine but they are a huge pain to swap out. I had to resort to using pliers and a lot of force to get the joint out. I could see the joint succumbing to the strain a bit, I'm afraid to try switching again.

Plyers it is for me as well, only hassle really that needed not be..

I didn't notice until someone here pointed it out to me, the Takara has a much better, masculine, meaner, better proportioned, tougher and realistic looking (did I forget any) fist than HT.

HT has many faults yet it's a huge hit. It definately deserves the recognition but it's far from perfect as some make it out to be.

Still kicks butt though, I love mine, no doubt about it or I wouldn't be blasting Youtube with video after video on him...
I just ordered one off of ebay it cost me alittle more but I dont care its in stock and in the usa.Those pics you all have been posting made me wont one sooooooooooo bad.

I just ordered one off of ebay it cost me alittle more but I dont care its in stock and in the usa.Those pics you all have been posting made me wont one sooooooooooo bad.


Good choice...

I want to hear everyones opinion on this one though...

Maybe i'm crazy BUT i'm starting to believe that it tends to look MUCH better and cooler in photos than it does in real life.

I think it's because the pictures really bring out the details with the different lighting shots that are being utilized.

In other words, it's still cool in real life but it looks better on the pics, to me anyways.

And that's the fun part anyways, who isn't into taking pictures of these things and showing them off for the world to see. It's not like i'm playing with him at and videos are the schnizzel!!

Wait, posing them IS playing with them so i'm actually
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In my opinion I haven't seen a pic on here or anywhere that makes this figure look better than what it looks like in person. No matter what the lighting or backdrop or photographers skill.
In my opinion I haven't seen a pic on here or anywhere that makes this figure look better than what it looks like in person. No matter what the lighting or backdrop or photographers skill.


for me it was the poster of him holding the joker that got me thinking this way but then again who knows how much touch up is being performed on the pics.

For me, the "rubber" looks much more alive and shiny on the pics and in real life it looks like...umm...dull rubber hence my desire to keep wanting to armor all my rubber guys knowing that i'm not supposed to.

I hope I don't give in.....

P.S. don't get me wrong, It still kicks ass in real life but on the pics with the dark mysterious overtones, it definately adds personality to him.

Maybe that's what i'm referring too, there is atmosphere added with the pics, no?
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P.S. don't get me wrong, It still kicks ass in real life but on the pics with the dark mysterious overtones, it definately adds personality to him.

Agreed, but I think that raises a point. Photography can really change the context in which you see the figure, and ultimately, most photos done in a creative manner actually create a nice photographic composition, but the figure itself may not be highlighted to it's best. You can have a great photo of a figure even if the photo is not as true to the figure's look or shows it off best. Hell, you can make a ^^^^ty figure into a great photo, so the quality of a photo isn't always reflective of the figure quality.

Like when I take my photos, with this figure for example, I don't aim to make the figure look good, my goal is to make interesting Batman photos and the particular figure is my instrument for doing just that. If that makes sense.
For me, the "rubber" looks much more alive and shiny on the pics and in real life it looks like...umm...dull rubber hence my desire to keep wanting to armor all my rubber guys knowing that i'm not supposed to.

The real suit probably reacts much the same way under movie lights. So maybe this HT "rubber" suit is fairly accurate.

Even in person, under more harsh lighting like directly beneath a lamp, the suit takes on a much more slick, shiny look while also darker. While in diffused or flat light he looks to have a dull finish.

I like that it varies.
The real suit probably reacts much the same way under movie lights. So maybe this HT "rubber" suit is fairly accurate.

Even in person, under more harsh lighting like directly beneath a lamp, the suit takes on a much more slick, shiny look while also darker. While in diffused or flat light he looks to have a dull finish.

I like that it varies.

I found taking some shots yesterday that the toy can be quite glossy in some photos, it actually bothered me cuz one thing i like about the Begins suit is the very matte finish it has. It always looks soft, the cowl, the body, the cape, there's no gloss to it at all and I kinda dig that.
this is my choice.


what do you think?
I found taking some shots yesterday that the toy can be quite glossy in some photos, it actually bothered me cuz one thing i like about the Begins suit is the very matte finish it has. It always looks soft, the cowl, the body, the cape, there's no gloss to it at all and I kinda dig that.


Excellent input from MaulFan and Wor-Gar. Good interesting stuff that actually makes me have to use my brain to think out your statements, umm, yeah, like thank you.