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Re: Will Hot Toys ever make a Darth Maul figure ?

for reals though WTF is taking them so long on their SW's figures. It's not like they didn't sell a ton of Luke's. What gives?
Re: Will Hot Toys ever make a Darth Maul figure ?

for reals though WTF is taking them so long on their SW's figures. It's not like they didn't sell a ton of Luke's. What gives?
I would assume the low profit margin plays some role, considering everyone and their cousin gets a cut of the profits where 1/6 scale Star Wars is considered. And Luke didn't immediately sell out everywhere. In fact, it's still available for retail price, despite being a great deal as far as Hot Toys figures go.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever make a Darth Maul figure ?

I would assume the low profit margin plays some role, considering everyone and their cousin gets a cut of the profits where 1/6 scale Star Wars is considered. And Luke didn't immediately sell out everywhere. In fact, it's still available for retail price, despite being a great deal as far as Hot Toys figures go.


I'd bet SS would do another before HT does.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever make a Darth Maul figure ?

Assuming hot toys continues the line. Maul is likely to be the 4th or 6th figure released since they are switching between OT and PT. Only other worthy candidate from the PT is Kenobi.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever make a Darth Maul figure ?

Yeah that sounds about right, you may even be overestimating the chances by about 14%

Well, they have announced a Prequel figure with Anakin and Maul is popular, might even be the 3rd or 4th prequel figure they do. And at the rate they're churning out Star Wars figures, I'd guess 4th quarter....

...of 2042.

:lol :lol :lol
Re: Will Hot Toys ever make a Darth Maul figure ?

Not gonna lie though a Hot Toys Maul would be pretty awesome, it'd definitely end the debate over who has the best Maul: Sideshow Maul vs Medicom Maul
I can't believe with a line like Star Wars and the amount of characters they only made 1, yet iron man has like 400 different versions

Is there a problem with Hot Toys feeding my Iron Man addiction?... :lol

Sideshow seem to be doing an excellent job with Star Wars releases and HT are already announcing Iron Man product that will not be released until 2015.. so I expect it's a mixture of production capabilities and DX Luke's retail shelf warming.
Re: Will Hot Toys ever make a Darth Maul figure ?

I would assume the low profit margin plays some role, considering everyone and their cousin gets a cut of the profits where 1/6 scale Star Wars is considered. And Luke didn't immediately sell out everywhere. In fact, it's still available for retail price, despite being a great deal as far as Hot Toys figures go.

It's no Iron Man 3 Cowboy Tony, that's for sure....
I'm an IM fan and I think HT does a great job with the figures, but man their obsession with that one franchise is beyond annoying.
Id love a hot toys Qui Gon Jinn. The sideshow version is tempting,but i would end up making my own outfits using much lighter fabrics,so not as stiff and thick
I think it was a massive missed opportunity that Hot Toys didn't release a 1/6 Biker Scout and Speeder Bike for the Return of the Jedi 30th Anniversary last year. While I love the SS PF Speeder Bike, I wish there was some way of having the Biker Scout holding both handles and being stooped down more.

Can you imagine how perfect a Hot Toys Biker Scout and Speeder Bike would be?!!!

that would have been epic.
Seems plausible that Scout would be on the roadmap at Sideshow. Along with bike it might make a good 2015 pairing.
Seems plausible that Scout would be on the roadmap at Sideshow. Along with bike it might make a good 2015 pairing.

really hope that turns out to be the case. we need other companies to step in and make high end 1/6 vehicles besides hot toys.
we need other companies to step in and make high end 1/6 vehicles besides hot toys.

I'd call Hot Toys vehicle efforts expensive collectibles (I own the Tumbler for reference), but I'd hardly call them high-end. The Tumbler is toy quality at best. If Hasbro or Mattel were to produce that product it would be $100-200, which would still leave a healthy margin for manufacturer and retailer, due to the high production numbers. Obviously with the low production of Hot Toys we can't expect that kind of pricing. But when you compare the quality of the Hot Toys parts to model kits and RC kits that are also lower production, they're downright laughable. The LED and wiring on the Tumbler, as only one example, is a total joke - bad soldering, poor wire routing, no resistors on the LEDs. Low-end toy quality.
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What exactly was your issue with it? I am considering buying it to mod if I ever bump into him on a convention.
The head sculpt: face is actually good, but ruined with gloopy paint & crayon beard. The hair - not good, the side bits especially. The old Prometheus buck body - garbage. The boots don't allow for any movement; although that's the case with most if not all of their early figures anyway.

The outfit is cool (bar the boots), the lightsaber too maybe.. & that's it. :lol
BBTS still has 41 units of DX07 in stock - and I really have a hard time believing they're absolutely the only folks left with any stock whatsoever. Indy DX05 was around for a very long time after release as well. Slow sales on these franchises are a much more realistic and believable explanation for the lack of follow-ups than some misconstrued talk of Hot Toys trying to go around their partner in licensing. Especially when that partnership is so important to them.

Dude, you're Are you trolling or really so ignorant? People think Hot Toys wants the medicom cinematic license under Lucasfilms, wtf does this have to do with any of the Hasbro/Sideshow licensing things you posted? Do you really not understand the conversation at all? Any toy company in the world would want that theatrical license, common sense would tell anyone that Hot Toys would wants it as well when the agreeement comes up. It changes nothing with Sideshow being distributor for Hot Toys just like they distribute Hot Toys and Medicom now. The only thing it would change is more money in Hot toys pocket. I really really can't explain it any simpler, I just don't think you have the capacity to understand, especially given the links you posted just make you look even more idiotic and off subject than your previous crap. :lol

The whole hypothesis centers on the fact that along with Howard Chan making overt statements about wanting the license, Hot Toys also has an older relationship with Disney than Medicom does, although Medicom has had a long running relationship with Lucasfilms prior to them being bought by Disney. Its pretty easy to understand, its not rocket science, its very simple why various sites and people are thinking this, yet instead of digesting it, you go "google hero" and post links that have nothing to do with the Medicom license at all. Use some common sense or just stay ignorant, choice is yours, Derp!
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