Hot Toys Avatar is official (Movie spoilers)

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If Hot Toys reveals figures from Avatar this month, then we should expect them to release during May, approximately. That's my guess.
Jake kicked ass in his human and Avatar forms, regardless of the chair. I think it would be an interesting figure with the dog tags and tattoos. Besides, the picture of him in it being directed by Cameron was the first image from the film I ever saw.
Jake kicked ass in his human and Avatar forms, regardless of the chair. I think it would be an interesting figure with the dog tags and tattoos. Besides, the picture of him in it being directed by Cameron was the first image from the film I ever saw.

Absolutely.Great character and Sam Worthington is fast becoming one of my favourite actors.
Yeah honestly I just want another Sam sculpt. I'm gonna switch it with Marcus Wright if its better. But I know we're getting Clash Of The Titans so i'm not worried
O yea thats right we are getting that aswell, but the only worington figure im geting is a jake sully worington either navi or marine. That reminds me the hot toys license was prince of persia aswell, man they should trade that in for the last airbender that movie looks awesome.
I will wait until they make the war paint sully from the final battle ..thats all i want from this line ..but i am 2 also interested in a new sam sculpt 4 my marcus figure from both avatar and titans.
hot toys license was prince of persia aswell, man they should trade that in for the last airbender that movie looks awesome.

Nah, its being directed by M. Night Shamalama :monkey2 All I will say is 'The Happening' was the worst movie I've ever seen. ever.

Prince of Persia will have better costumes also
Nah, its being directed by M. Night Shamalama :monkey2 All I will say is 'The Happening' was the worst movie I've ever seen. ever.

Prince of Persia will have better costumes also

I actually disagree the last airbender sticks closely to the show and judging by the new tvspot it looks ten times better then prince of persia imho. I also checked on the hot toys poll and avatar is the most anticipated license so hot toys is definatly gonna do so many figures.:D
get a prince persia sculpt and a cop joker sculpt, throw some cowboy costumes on, and you have yourself a brokeback mountain figs. no ____
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